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Sooooo Cute


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Harvey chunters away to himself too - and brings his foot up and "strangles" himself regularly! He'll sit for ages caressing his own neck (it's certainly nothing he's copying in my house!!!).


He'll do this forever, mumbling, then stop and say "oooooh". I think he rather impresses himself! :laugh:

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katana600 wrote:

What does it mean that he yawns when I talk to him?


Maybe you are boring him:whistle: :laugh: :woohoo:


Just kidding Dee I know you are never boring.


Josey will sit for a while and caress her neck with her foot, I thought maybe she was scratching her neck where I didn't get it.:blink: :laugh:

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I would love to be able to see everyone else's bird to see how many of their expressions are similar. Yesterday when Kopi yawned, I pretended to yawn, then he did it again and it made me yawn for real. Then he mocked my laugh. I don't know what we did in a past life that connected us to these birds but it must have been really good. Uh oh... what if... he did something really bad and being with me is his karma? LOL

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Argyle (usually when basking in the sun) puts his little talon up human-like as if propping his "chin", this sounds similar to what Jill describes Harvey doing. With Beau it's slightly diffenent in that the talon is brought outwards and Beau appears to be chattering to it or using it in an expressive way. Either way it's too darned cute!

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