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Who Flung Food?


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{Emotions-00020073} WHO FLUNG THE FOOD? I have reached the end of my rope and am clinging to my patience by a thread...I have watched Spock and Joey throw out their broccoli spears to the dog Rolo, who thinks he got mana from heaven and runs off to hide with his treasure. I have not said anything when Spock or Joey have bombed the poor dog while he is trying to get a nap on the sofa and hide from Salsa at the same time. (Salsa likes to sneak down, nip at Rolo's clipped tail and then run away).

I really have a problem though with hardened split peas and lentils. Call me a Princess with a pea but they really hurt when I step on them or sit on them after they have hardened. I also have been blasted with mash in places that I would not mention in polite company. This morning was the last straw...I had just showered before I got their breakfast and as I was feeding them, I felt a huge plop of warm smash hit the back of my neck and slide down my back. When I looked up, I saw three sets of innocent looking birds watching me with a "WHO ME?" look on their faces...

If this continues, they will have to start feeding themselves...ooops! Salsa already uses a spoon...Sheeessss....{Feel-good-0002006E}





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