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Ecko Vid and Pics


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Hi all!

How is everyone doing? I've been trying to come on here for a while now but I guess the site has been down. Hope everyone and their fids are doing good! I thought I'd share an update on Ecko with you all. I recorded Ecko talking the other day so here is a new video of his new sounds.




I love going to bird fairs and everytime there is one in town I make sure I go and get lots of new toys for Ecko bird. I've been to 2 bird fairs since I last posted on here so here are some pics of all the cool toys I got for Ecko.


These toys were from the first bird fair I went to. I laid them out on his cage and he went right to them. He used to be so scared of new things but now he is a big brave boy.




And these are from the second bird fair. I got mostly shreddable toys this time because I noticed those are his favorite kind.



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I love going to bird fairs too and in my case there is only one in my area and that is the one the bird club I belong to has in June but I usually like to go to one that is a few hours away when I can manage it. I was going to the state convention next week but it didn't work out so I am on the lookout for another one to go to in the near future.


You always get good finds at these places and it looks like you did real good, thanks for sharing the pictures and the video of Ecko having a chat with himself.

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What a lucky boy to have his favorite toys on hand. We are learning Kopi's favorites so we can stock up at the next bird fair in May. He liked hearing Ecko on the video too. You got some neat looking toys, I even saw some I would play with too. Ecko is a handsome lad.

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