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what does this behavior mean?

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hey guys i have a 15 yr old BFA and he always comes to the front of the cage to see me but i tried to let him step up on my hand and he hasnt tried to bite me but he gets on the front perch and leans over and flutters his wings. and he makes a purring sound. doesnt look upset. i think hes a male. i got him and he had been living on a play stand for 15 years. i decided he needed to be in a cage and boy did he take to it! he loves it. when hes on his stand he lets me pet him but then he starts the leaning over nd purring. puffed up alittle too. but he seems to really like it when im petting him. any ideas? another thing is when he is on his stand and my grey is on his the amazons fluffs up and pins his eyes he doesnt like the grey. but thge grey just ingores him. should i just keep the grey out of his sight?

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well i have had him about a month now. hes a trip. so should i go ahead and try to pick him up. i take it you dont think it an aggressive behavior either? he stays on the other side of a partition in the dinning room while sampson the grey is in the living room. oh yeah he also talks nonstop.

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I would say that the best place to train him to step up is away from the grey, away from other people, and in a quiet room that has a door. Put him on the floor and start the stepping up lessons. He'll probably fly away or walk away but you need to do it over and over for about 2 to 3 times a day.

I think that you should let him stay in the same area as the grey because it takes much longer for 2 birds to accept or tolerate each other. If you see that one is constantly trying to fly over to do some damage to the other bird, then you'll need a separate area.

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