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Happily I can now report that there is a vast improvement in Argyle's (my hahns) behaviour. He has lost much of his agression and I can now put my hands into his cage for whatever reason without fear of having a beak hanging from it ;-) He is a lot more content these days and the reason for this huge turnabout? A piece of simple advice from Caroline "why not try moving him into the adjoining room where you sit when you are on your laptop, speak to him, interact with him and offer treats" much of this I was already doing with the exception of moving him into this room. All the advice I took from a behaviourist + others and the simplest thing worked for him. Don't get me wrong hahns do have a bit of a reputation for being "nippy" but I no longer feel that he is an agressive bird so for anyone having agression problems with their fids (particularly macaws) it is worth moving them into a busier room as well as interacting with them whenever possible.


If you get to read this Caroline, THANK YOU!

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That is wonderful news Jules and that is so helpful of Caroline to give you some advice you should have already known to start with:whistle: just kidding:laugh: I guess they like being where the action is just like greys and other birds and if that is what has made the difference then you should have done it a long time ago but better late than never.


I'll just bet he likes being around where it all is happening, way to go Jules.

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I was reluctant to move him in here because it's such a small room, also one of the reasons we bought Argyle was for company for Beau so moving him in here defeated the object of getting him in the first place - there certainly is no room in here for Beau as well! Saying this, Beau seems perfectly content in the ajoining room so I had no reason to belive Argyle was unhappy in there. I certainly didn't know that moving him would have such a positive effect on his mood, if I had I'd have done it a lot sooner! All the other advice Caroline gave me I was already doing so it is definately the change of scenery that did it.

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