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Issac Week 17


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So I would have to say that this is the week of least change. He continues to make this sweet sound that I love to hear "Whoop Whoop Whoop". I giggle everytime I hear it...especially love it when he does it next to my ear. Over the weekend he was on his atom and got completely on his back resting in the cradle of the bottom with his feet in the air playing with the toy in the middle. I was impressed.


Reagrding weaning, he still takes his morning and evening forumlas even if its just a little bit. Does anyone think I should discontinue his morning feeding, or should I hold out for total refusal? There is such a pattern that I feel like he will always expect the feedings. Should I maybe offer veggies and other things before I give the formula?


He loves to hang out on my shoulder, I can say this for certain. Thankfully he is a total angel when he is there and behaves. I was playing video games on the couch with him on Saturday, and I look over and he has his head tucked in on his back and he is sleeping. So apparantly, I make a good bed. How sweet.


Still working on the shower. I know I have to get him wet again soon. It is not his favorite thing to do I am sure, I can tell by the sounds he makes. He does a pathetic little decending 'coo' like, "No, please".


Sugar snap peas are still the top of the list of veggies. He loves em. I have some thick pasta I am going to cook up for him tonight. He seems to like noodles. He also seemed to like Cheerios, are these okay for them?


That's all I have regarding my little sweet bundle of feathers for now. My daughter and I went to the Wild Animal Park here in San Diego and saw the bird show where they have none other than a smart Grey named 'Congo'. I told Issac that I saw one of his brothers that day. There is a pic of him below. He could make animal sounds and say some words...over all a very sweet bird. Greys are beautiful WAPBird01.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/15 19:27


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You shouldn't stop any formula feeding until your bird absolutely refuses to accept it. What's going on is that nature is telling the bird that his system needs that formula. The time comes when refusal of the formula is obvious. It doesn't matter how long it takes. Greys and other parrots have been known to take formula as old as 4 or 5 mts. There are no absolute times to stop.

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Okay. :) I have no problem feeding it to him, it takes all of 5-10 minutes and i know he gets the best in nutrition that way. I just am making sure I am not hindering his 'growing up' stage by continuing. You must know how it is to do this the first time, it seems like they will never stop takin it. But he is a good three weeks away from being 5 months, so I won't worry just yet. ;)

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Well, you shouldn'teven worry if he goes over the 5 mt mark. All parrots wean when they want to and actually letting the bird wean off of formula, that creates a calmer, more secure and better tempered bird. It's only breeders who decide when to stop the formula feeding. That's done so the bird can be sold. Many birds that are sold should have never been forced weaned in the first place. It's the breeder who creates the time line, not the bird.

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As always, Dave is spot on.


Our Grey liked a little formula morning and night until about 5 months old. Then went to night yearnings only and finally would just blubber it out as we tried to spoon feed him. He stopped completely at about 6 and a half months.


Each grey is different. Enjoy feeding formula to yoru grey as long as you can. It is a very intimate thing between the two of you. :-)

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Lol...yes...I still cannot get over the little look on his face when I am formula feeding. I totally adore it and gently pet his back as he pumps the formula down. Trust me, it's an endearing moment. I just need reassurance from time to time that I am down the right path. Hypersensative bird owner here. LOL. Thank you Dave you your input, I know I can count on it. :)


PS: When I told the breeder I was still giving him his formula feedings she was like, "Ooooh you are babying him too much." As you say they have a different agenda. I am glad i got him when I did so I could make sure he was abundance weaned. Thanks for all the great advice. :)IMG_0895-62e695aebc3691c1377d06b08171a422.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/15 21:17


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Well, it's good that you mention those words from the breeder---"Ooooh you are babying him too much."


There is no such thing as babying him. Proper nutrition is what's the most important.


What you're saying about the breeder just reinforces what I said before---

""""It's the breeder who creates the time line, not the bird.""""

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Elvenking wrote:

Well...this is from the same lady who recommended clipping...so you can see how well I am following her advice. I know that the folks here really love and care for these birds...so I know I can count on the best advice here. ;)


Now this is what I like to hear and you will get good advice here especially from Dave as he is a breeder of greys himself so he knows what he is talking about, he is one of the exceptions to the rule of most breeders whose main concern is the money.

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