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Tail Feathers


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Me CAG's tail feathers stay mangled. She is very active and likes to climb all over the cage so I'm thinking she is just beating them up on the cage. Is there anything I can do to help her have a pretty and unmangled set of tail feathers?

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Hello, Timbo, and welcome to the family, glad you joined.


There is not much you can do with the tail feathers if she is very active, she is damaging them with her activity. I wouldn't worry about it, if she is happy and healthy, a beautiful tail is not the worst thing that could happen. They will eventually molt out but if she stays very active and climbing all around the cage just be glad she is able to do as she pleases.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the Welcome Room and tell us a little about your grey, age, name and so forth, and a picture would be very appreciated.:)

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Guest briansmum

funnily enough i was wondering this too, some of Brians tail feathers are a bit messy, he preens them but then just don't "zip together" like they should, i figured it was just due to him climbing and playing. but he does sometimes seem unaware of his tail, he'll get himself into a position and then get his tail stuck trying to get out of it. anyone else had something like this?

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Guest Monique

How does he get his tail stuck? To me this means that something in his environment is set up a little too tightly.


On the first question, the only other thing that can help prevent feather damage is to ensure your cage bar spacing is not too close together. Having a parakeet bar spacing with a Grey, for instance.

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Guest Lidia

I think it sounds like he just has pre-molt feathers and when he molts and gets the hang of preening the back feathers, they'll be grand. I wouldn't worry about it. I know what you mean about getting stuck, Joshua actually used to get one of his wings stuck in between the bars in his cage when he was very young, and his tail feathers were always messed up.

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Hello and welcome Timbo!


I agree, the environment should be evaluated. Assuming there is nothing out of the norm with the cage, bar spacing (as Monique noted) etc, then it could just be that your bird is a rough player at this stage and damaging the tail feathers. As Lidia asked, how old is the bird and has it been through its first molt? Keep us posted! B)

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