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Bring Home a 2nd Bird!!!


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;) Adding a second bird, how about another Grey? To start with you first Grey has been with you since day one, your home and everything in it is his/hers as far as it's concerned. A second child, what do you do, first off you explain to you first child that a new addition will be joining you, same with a Grey, you tell #1 that your bringing home a new friend, move the new cage and toy's in before you bring the new bird home, and make sure you lavish #1 with new toy's and treats, at least the same as the new bird's.

You have to make #1 feel he/her "is" #1...He must never doubt it. all attention goes to he/her first. Please remember, quarantine separate from #1 and this is a good time for 1st vet visit.:)


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That is so true Jay and my grey was my second bird and probably my last, I would love to have another bird but since I work full time I have limited myself to just these two, I know I can provide them with the love and attention they need, any more and I am spreading myself too thin.


Even though my grey is not the first of my two birds I still consider her top priority, she is the No 1 bird, I don't think rank means too much to Sunny my conure but don't tell her that.:whistle:

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It is very true, exactly what we did when Kea joined the family. We even took Rangi when we went to visit Kea and then when we picked her up so he felt like he was part of it all.


Kea changed Rangi's life in such an amazing way, they are so incredible together.

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GreYT post Jay!


It is good advice all should heed when thinking of bringing home another grey or other bird.


Jess - It does not matter if the other bird is young or older. They may or may not get a long. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/03/15 16:28

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