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Hey guys. Since rocky has returned, hes been refusing his baby food sometimes(hes 3months old). Another thing i have noticed, before he poops, it looks as if he is forcing, he crouches on his perch, and i hear what comes out. Today when i came home i checked his cage, and he pooped, really big, and it was like the baby food wasn't digested. I'm guessing maybe its throw up? He eats his harrison pellets, but i think he crunches them up more than actually eat them. Is there any solid type of food i can give him to get his poop solid?

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Hi paullywalnuts,


Can you describe the poop more? Sorry if that sounds like a strange question, but the poops have very distinct portions and the colors/consistency will change based on what they have been eating. It is good to understand how they should look as they can be a signal of health issues. Mine assumes the "poop stance" regularly, kind of squats and then lets it fly...I often can hear her squeeze one out as well so dont think that is unusual B)

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Guest briansmum

yes theres a distinct poop stance and i too frequently hear it. your baby will begin to eat the pellets more over the next month, you'll be surprised how much they grow up between 3 and 5 months so i would say it is normal that you baby has begun refusing some baby food, make sure you offer plenty of alternatives. perhaps begin cooking and mashing veggies to help the transfer from baby food to solids.


anyway i'm digressing, yes as dblehelix said, more poop detail please. if you're really in doubt, maybe even a picture so we can see what you mean.

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Guest Lidia

The poop doesn't sound quite right to me. There should not be undigested food in it. If there is a granular consistency to it, Rocky may have some sort of gastric bug. Can you describe the poo?


As to the size of the poo, the first one of the day is usually quite a large one and they tend to hang on in the mornings before pooing and then do one the second the come out of the cage. What you're describing sounds about right.


But I would want to know more about the texture of the poo. It the poo is smooth and there's just a lot of it, that's fine. Just make sure there aren't any undigested bits of food in it.

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Hey Paully.


When Roxy still wanted her baby food, her poop was the same colour as the baby food. It was then that I knew that she did not need the food anymore, but she still wanted it. I introduced many other foods to her, and she hates sunflower seeds, but I finally found the food that she wanted.


Cooked veggies will work fine until you find the needed nutrients for your bird.


Hope this helps.


Regards, Gerhard



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