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Spock's Observations


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While I contemplate my universe, I have observed a few funny things that humans, including my "Parronts" do that seem strange to me. They bring in things to hang on the wall and it has sticks on it (a clock and temperature gauge). When I want to play on it, they tell me "NO!". Why do they get things and put them out and then get upset when I do what any curious Grey would do? (Strange!) What is the point of accumulating things that you can't touch or play with? :blink:

They put up some new curtains yesterday. I was unsure at first but decided to explore this strange new world. Guess what? It was fun!! :woohoo: I can stand on the long pole, walk around and watch everyone below, chew on the wood walls and wood beam on the ceiling and climb down to the community cage.

Once there, I occasionally have to keep Salsa in her place and in line...after all, I AM the flock leader...The community cage (Joey's cage) is our general meeting area. Salsa, Joey and I all hang around together. I have also noticed that the seeds in Joey's dish are always better (I hear Jay telling Maggie that the seed mixes are all the same):P

Salsa likes to play with all Joey's toys in his cage and when she starts to yell while she hangs upside down by one foot on her playpen, I have to correct her. Joey always adds his two cents in (because he is older) and tells her "Bad Salsa" and makes clapping sounds.:pinch:

Jay and Maggie have been feeding me a rare delicacy lately. It has a strange consistency that I am really not sure of but it comes in different yummy flavors, especially when they add peanut butter! Jay calls it oatmeal. It sure is a funny name for some good stuff!:laugh:

My favorite activity is to fly up and down the hall, through the living room (while I buzz all the cages and get those big white birds going) and into the kitchen where I do a quick 180 and fly back across the house.:whistle: Sometimes, I come in for a landing on Jay's head (he says he has skid marks) and I stop myself by grabbing what little hair he has left (he seems to have less and less lately) and using it for a brake.:dry: :evil:

Well, I have to go...my "parront" wants the computer back...(I just get on and I have to give it back)...


Live Long and Prosper

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Love your "Log" update Spock!! :P


Those new toys Jay and Magiie put up sound like a hoot with lots of god chewing fun in them. :P


It's to hear you have lots of energy and keeping those wings a flapping. :-)


Looking forward to your next Log entry.

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