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Kopi is home


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Kopi is camera shy at the moment. I keep taking pictures that are blurry, but it could be that the adjustment Juno made on my lens is the problem. I will see if my husband's camera does any better. I get so excited when Kopi comes out of his cage, I forget all about taking photos. I did discover a key to his heart and trust in the past couple of days... pine nuts. He comes right out for a little tidbit. And... I have been more careful with the palm oil, mixing it into his beans so he doesn't annoint himself again. What a mess!

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This little guy is very shy. He likes being in his cage and if he is out playing, he will scuttle right back in when he is approached. He has been letting me reach in and offers his bowed head for a scratch when I ask him. I see improvement every day as he gets more curious and his personality is just ever so sweet. I put a bucket of foot toys in and he didn't go near it for a few days but yesterday he discovered them and has been very busy. This morning I was watching him and enjoying his play time when he looked out and very clearly in a sweet little voice asked "What are you doing?" I ask him that a lot. It is hard to stay back and wait for him, but it is working.

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That is soooo sweet! He does sound like a real honey Dee. It'll be lovely when he's comfortable enough to come and give you cuddles (says me - as I'm sitting here on the couch my little cherub is trying to remove the back pocket of my jeans!)

Your abundance of patience will pay dividends!

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So much for sweetness and patience and beauty this morning. I have accepted that he wants to stay in this smaller cage for a long time, so I was moving some things around making it part of my living room. Kopi flew from the cage top because he didn't like that I moved a table within six feet of his cage, so he flew. I was amazed that he flew more than fifteen feet and didn't have such a crash landing. I picked him up and he was sweet to have a head scratch but I hadn't noticed it was the table that irritated him. When I tried to get him to go into the cage, he suddenly spread his wings so he wouldn't fit through the door and then he bit my little finger really hard. It was right above the nail bed and I have to admit I didn't handle this bite as calmly as the first one. I understand it was my fault and he was giving me a message about just how he likes his cage to be left unchanged. LOL. We've made nice and I capitulated to his demands for decorating the living room his way.

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Oh dear Dee - sorry to hear about your little mishap - I'm sure you've been forgiven though :laugh:

Sorry - I shouldn't laugh but when you said you've given in to his demands I couldn't help it - that probly sums us all up in a nutshell!! Hopefully Kopi will discover another, more diplomatic way of letting you know something displeases him!!

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Ahh, all is forgiven and we are back to the sweetness and light. I am learning to listen better so training isn't so painful for me. LOL He is getting more adventurous. His habit has been playing on top of the cage while I am in the room and ducking to the safe inner reaches whenever I leave the room. Now he is getting more brave and is strong enough to flap and go to the floor and he is following me. He has done it four times this morning. The dogs have gotten so they don't even get off their spot in the sunshine to investigate any more.

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I'm sorry Dee, I do think Harvey has had a word with Kopi to inform him of the parrot bad behavior book!!


It's so funny (well, actually, no it isn't) when they change like Jekyll and Hyde! If I'd known what I know now there would be no Harvey - he'd definitely be called Jekyll!! :laugh:

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I have been gone a loooonnngg time. Sorry about that. I made many commitments when I needed to keep busy before I got Kopi. He has had the benefit of bonding time with every member of our family and a good friend too. I spent a lot of time on the phone with the car keys in my hand in case he wanted me to come home but alas, he has coped beautifully without me hovering over his shoulder. LOL. We have hopefully slowed the pace and tonight I had the treat of Kopi sitting on my shoulder for the very first time. We are coming up to his first bird day on May 23rd and his mama Ann and papa Tom will be coming to Atlanta for a celebration.

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I have been gone a loooonnngg time. Sorry about that. .

That's all right Dee, we'll let you off with it this once, just don't let it happen again!! Lol - Just kidding! We understand that there are those who have a life outside of the Forum!!;)

It's good to hear Kopi had some productive bonding time while you were away, but a little disheartening when you realise the house hold can survive without you! Only temerarily though, I'm sure!

How great that shoulder time must have been for you! The first of many!

So great to hear from you - you have been missed!

Looking forward to the birthday pics!


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It is just bad timing on my part to be traveling so much, trying to catch up and learning the new set up. I am very appreciative to have a forum home, it may just take me longer than most to get into a rhythm but I am getting it. I keep telling myself it is all the same people and a few newcomers joining our family and I will be skipping around here like old times again soon.

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It is just bad timing on my part to be traveling so much, trying to catch up and learning the new set up. I am very appreciative to have a forum home, it may just take me longer than most to get into a rhythm but I am getting it. I keep telling myself it is all the same people and a few newcomers joining our family and I will be skipping around here like old times again soon.


Its good to hear that Kopi is doing well and socializing with the family and its good to have you back on the forum for you have been missed, we need your wit and humor. Gosh it is hard to believe that Kopi is almost one year old, Josey will be celebrating her fourth hatchday on the 25th, my how time flies when you are having fun. Don't keep us waiting now and share some pictures of Kopi.

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It's great to hear from you Dee - and I can't wait to see the quilt - get those fingers going! It's hard to believe that it's nearly a year since Kopi was hatched - how time flies! Hurry up, finish what you're doing outside of this place (how dare you have a life) and GET BACK HERE!! Missed ya x

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The camera flash makes Kopi jump so I tried with a camera phone and he got up close and personal. He has been with us two months. He calls for the dogs and whistles and barks. I am grateful that he has been accomodating and has a quiet sweet nature. I have started letting Java out of her quarantine and she immediately flies to Kopi's cage to terrorize him. He usually drops to his hidey hole on the back of his cage and winces and tries to become invisible. This week we had a magical moment where he stood his ground and chased her and she has not come back so I think we are making progress.

Kopi 11months.jpg

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Nice to hear from you again Dee, you have been missed and thanks for the great update on Kopi, glad to hear he is doing just fine.

Thats cute about how Kopi stood his ground against Java, maybe they will learn to get along, my two do not bother each other unless they are both on my shoulder and then Sunny starts inching her way over to Josey to try to nip at her otherwise they do not pay any attention to what the other is doing.

Thanks for sharing a picture of him with us, he is a handsome fella.

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Thanks for the support. I am still working on the quilt, it is just a pile of bits and arcs right now, it is something new to me to put so many pieces into sections without being able to "see" the whole thing, but I will post pictures when it looks like something. I am so happy that Kopi likes everyone in the family now that our youngest is home from college graduation. She is going to live with us for at least a year while she works and goes to grad school. She has been away for four years and home for brief times, loves animals but was very afraid of Java... for good reason. Kopi waved a foot at her yesterday and when I told her he was reaching out for a step up, she was really scared, but held out her hand and he stepped right up for her. She was telling the family at dinner how scary it was and I said "Yes, Kopi was really scared, but he was very courageous to step up to you anyway." LOL. He WAS scared, probably more than she was, but the smiles and the happy chitchat later from Kopi made it all worth overcoming the fear.

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