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Kopi is home


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I am sure this is more than you thought would be possible at this early stage of bringing Kopi into your home and your life and no one is happier for you than I am, you were meant to be a grey mom and I am so glad you have him, it was just meant to be.


I look forward to your updates every day and if we could see your face right now your mouth would be grinning from ear to ear, so happy for you Dee.

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This is just a magical time. I waited until I was prepared for a long wait for him to accept us, but it isn't that way at all. His cage is low and the top opens. When I am in the room he comes out the top. When I walk past him, he runs to my side. When I leave the room, he ducks back down into the cage just like Ann said he did at her house. He has let everyone in the family pick him up. I am smiling and laughing. I am letting him stay up way past my bedtime because he is more active and playful. Then, I wake up before the sun is up and wonder if it is too early to get him out of bed. He likes to sleep in, LOL. But that makes a good time to spend with Java and the dogs.

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Oh Dee you are spoiling him rotten but who can blame you, Kopi sounds like an absolute delight to have but not to burst your bubble but as he matures he will probably become more independent but then maybe not, enjoy it while you can just in case.

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Oh goodness, I thought I was ready for anything and was going to accept if he never got close to me, just to know he was in a good place and cared for and happy. This morning he stunned me. First I heard him say good morning. I was certain that it was just wishful thinking on my part until he followed up clearly by proclaiming, "I'm a good boy." Oh the joyous celebration, he is a good boy. I am so awestruck with the time and care Ann has given him. When he was about ten weeks and had some traumatic medical procedures, he was lunging and biting. Even his Florida vet can not believe how far he has come. I feel so honored just to spend one day with him, and this day has already been beyond my greatest hopes. I have been nearly stunned into silence.

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I am soooooo happy that having Kopi in your life is restoring the joy you had lost. It certainly sounds like the perfect fit made in heaven for you both. :-)


Congratulations on the first words. He is indeed a "Good Boy".


I look forward to hearing frequent updates and seeing tons of photos. :-)

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Ahh, the forum is back. All is well, we were on spring break with two girls home from school to welcome Kopi. Elation and joy are every day emotions here now. He is coping with this transition better than I could have dreamed. Ann said she taught him to be a gentleman and he is that and much more. Yesterday he suddenly blossomed and started talking. I was afraid to answer him for fear he would clam up. I grabbed a recorder and the little fellow talked prolifically for almost fifteen minutes. He mocked the dogs barking and said "Come here puppy" He changed from two quick whistles Ann used for their dog to our "tune" for calling ours in and out. I was stunned and of course delighted. I hadn't really even gotten to the point of expecting him to talk, so just one Hello had me, but he just chatted like he has been part of our family for much longer than one week. I am stunned beyond belief at the unexpected quick acceptance and how he is totally at ease, he lets me give him scratches but wants nothing to do with sitting on my shoulder or the arm of my chair. He is most secure in his cage or playing on top. He comes right to me when I go to his cage, he takes food readily and will step up, but he looks and leans toward the cage because he would rather be there than with me just now. I am just giving him room to decide when he is ready to interact more personally, but reinforcing the step up as much as he is willing. As will all of your greys, his personality is unique to any other and I just feel overflowing with joy and delight. Thanks for hanging in there with me while we figured out that we absolutely needed him in our home.

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Kopi seems more of an independent fellow and that is normal, at least he is coming to you when you go by his cage, everything has to be on his terms it seems but then it takes a while for him to feel really at home but the talking is a sure sign he is fitting in. What joy it must have been to just sit back and listen to him going thru his repertoire of words and phrases. He must have been an absolute delight for your two daughters this past week.


I am glad to hear that he is bringing much happiness to your life much like Juno did, not replacing him but giving you such joy and wonder, I might imagine that Juno is very pleased with it all.


Keep the updates coming Dee and of course pictures are always welcomed.

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Trying Kopi's picture again now that the forum is back up to speed. Thanks so much to all our hard working moderators and techs for your time. When I couldn't get on the forum, I just looked forward to when we would be back together again.

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The way I have posted previously is not working just yet. Tomorrow I will learn to use Photobucket and try that route. Spring break is over so I can catch up on my house cleaning and work on Juno's quilt. It is just awesome that all four of us were together to welcome Kopi and he is comfortable and happy with each of us. His wings are lightly clipped so he can fly off his cage and land on the floor, but he doesn't have control. He should molt soon and regain his feathers. He flew off the cage last night trying to come to me and hit the computer table and has a small abrasion above his eye, but the poor little guy has a black eye. I need to put landing strips on the hardwood floors so he can get friction to slow himself down. I sent Mama Ann his recording and she was elated that he is accepting us so much faster than any of us expected. I am still on cloud nine and just can't believe it took me so long to bring Kopi home. Life is good.

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Wow I just read this whole thread and I am sooo happy for you Dee! Congrats on your new addition! Kopi sounds like a joy and you seem so thrilled! You are going to be a great parront! I can't wait to see some pictures of Kopi and some videos of his talking! Photobucket is easy to learn. :P;)

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Aha, that was my photobucket test shot. So far, so good. He isn't happy about the flash from the camera and it is snowing in Georgia again and overcast. My photos are coming out a little blurry so I will keep trying until we get some good pictures of this guy. He is getting adjusted to so many things I just don't want to push him at all.

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We are making progress. He easily steps up but when I step back from his cage, he gets nervous and wants to go back. Last night when I asked if he wanted a scratch he leaned right into me and then let me sit in my chair across the room. For the first time, he just melted into me and reached up to grasp my shirt with one talon. He felt so warm and relaxed against me and let me rub his head for more than a half hour! He is getting more relaxed and trusting every day. Yesterday he said Good Boy Kopi and it was the first time I have heard him say his name. He takes new toys readily as long as they don't have a bell. When I refilled his water dish he said good water and gulped at it before I even set it down. This experience has been incredible and joyful for me.

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What a morning. I put the palm oil in the refrigerator after noticing the label recommended it. Usually, I chop it into the warm beans, but left a chunk to see if he would eat it like Harvey. But no, he let it get softened and then adorned his head. Just as I was wondering if I should clean him, he got into his water dish and bathed himself. I took the opportunity while he was having a good time and misted him and put in a bigger bowl of water. He is soaked through and made such a ruckus he has the dogs hiding in their crate for an hour or more. He cleaned himself and then some. He has been screeching and making chimpanzee and pterodactyl screeches. He is delighted with scaring the dogs and is sweetly calling them, no doubt to drench them again.

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You all sound like you are settling into life together so well! Kopi sounds an absolute joy ~ and I'm sure you are enjoying every minute of it!


Harvey still does eat his palm oil off a spoon - it's actually safer for my cream carpet too!!!


Lovely photos of Kopi too - such a sweetie :)

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It does take my breath away to see his personality unfold. He is every bit as amazing as I imagined a grey to be from all the reading I have done on this forum about all of your experiences. He seems good natured but is past the point of being a baby so some days he agrees to let me pick him up and some days he scuttles into his cage when he sees me coming. He jumps to the floor and then comes to find me for a lift back into his cage with a little wave of his foot and a hoarse "want up". The time he let me give him scratches was just for that night. It is going to take some time for him to feel safe enough to take over the house. Every day is something new and always a good laugh. I just feel lucky to have him in my life.

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Jayd wrote:

B) Spock wanted me to ask if Kopi could teach you how to use a camera an "PhotoBucket"? [he-he]:laugh:

Jayd Karma


Lol Dee - I think Jay is hinting for some more photos!! Are you having any sunny days yet?

It's really good to hear Kopi is giving you that "awestruck" feeling - I still get it daily - almost two years in!

You've been due some good luck Dee, but more than that, you are truly blessed, as we all are, to be able to share our lives with these amazing creatures.

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