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Tango Cleaning House..


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;) Our female 'Too, Tango, seems to be displaying strange and possibly hormonal behavior lately. The weather has been very humid because the days are getting warmer here in Arizona.

She has always liked to move things around in her cage, her toys, her food which she will take out of one bowl and put in back and forth into others. Lately, when I pick her up, I have to be careful because she likes to rub herself on my hand.

I do my cage cleaning earlier in the evening and each night before we go to bed, I always remove excess from the bottom of their cages, toys, food etc. that hasn't fallen through the bottom of their cages.

Tango has a large rectangle pink food dish that she likes to put food, toys, wood, etc. in and out (I think she likes to hear the noise the toys make when she drops them in). Lately, before I get to Tango's cage, she has been picking up her own leftovers and toys and putting these items in this dish, pick it up, carry it to the door and throw it out.

So, is she cleaning house, copying me or being hormonal?:) Maggie



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I don't care what she is doing, send her over and I'll deal with this "terrible" problem! :woohoo: My fids could use a little neatness training!!!!! :laugh: ;) Truthfully, I would love to see this behavior it seem very deliberate and I think it is cleaning house. And perhaps she is hormonal as well.

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