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I think I need some help...


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So I have to admit that I've been thinking of getting another bird... the huge divider cage I got Yoshi is totally big enough for two birds... I think I got that cage thinking I would get a Congo, not a Timneh.


I need advice though... what kind of bird would you suggest I get and put with Yoshi (with the divider in) or would you advise me forgetting about getting another bird. I would love to get a Congo, and divide them in that big cage... would that work? I've actually been talking to this lady who is trying to rehome a 12 year old Congo feather plucker, and I feel ready to help out a bird in need really...


But Yoshi comes first... and I want to know if this would not be a good idea? It's a really big divider cage, you can see it in the cages forum... and Yoshi usually only hangs out in a quarter of it :P


Here is a picture of her on her cage, gives you an idea of what I am talking about:

http://www.greyforums.net/forums/cages-&-homes/158818-yoshi-loves-her-cage-.html<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/12 16:04

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It is not the size of the cage but how your bird will react. Each Grey is an individual and may like or dislike what ever bird you bring in. I would have any new bird examined and quarantined before putting them in the same room. Do not immediately put them side by side allow them the distance to get to hear and view each other from a distance first. Pookie is a CAG and at the moment I also have a TAG and another CAG in the house, she ignores them totally. We also have one U2 and an Elanora 2 she will share a cage top with the Eleanora nicely. Hates the U2 who is aggressive so is not allowed out of cage when any of the others are out (he is fascinated with her). One of the other CAG's loves attention but hates other birds Grey or not (jealousy issues) the TAG is not flighted and allows no other birds on his cage(puts his head down and charges) but does love to watch the others during their daily activities and they are all learning each others vocabularies. Unique individuals each one. You know your bird and hope that the room in your cage can be filled if Yoshi has room in her heart and her life. They may work out to be each others best friend and you could be the outsider as well, you just don't know ahead of time.

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agreed with greywings. also need to mention, you want to rescue an older grey (which is greyt). however, if the other grey does not care for your yoshi (already being a feather plucker, and older) my concern would be for the health of the new grey. what if the move to a new home with another bird that he/she may not like stresses him out even more. IMO if I was going to rescue an older already feather plucking bird... i would make sure that he/she was the only bird i owned. i would hate to see greyt intentions end up in a more stressful enviroment causing reek and havock for you, yoshi, and the newest grey who in the end will prob need to find another home again.


just my 2 cents.

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luvparrots wrote:

So what kind of bird are you going to add to your family Jess??


I'm really not sure :/

A Congo or an Amazon... a rehome or another baby... I'm having difficulty decide... I think I need to take Yoshi to someone's house selling a Congo or Amazon and see how they get along? Because the truth is, Yoshi does come first and I don't know how she will accept another bird? She is friendly, and likes talking to birds at gatherings and pet stores and stuff, but I've never let her actually interact with another... I have no idea if maybe a baby would be easier for her to accept then an older bird???


I want to adopt an older bird in a way... I've never done that before... but I don't know if that is a good idea or not really.

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When you find the right fid Jess, you will know. When I found Sully my re-homed eclectus, I just had to re-home him he was so unhappy. My quiet home is so such more to his liking than the large and noisy pet store he was in. So just go out and look and follow your heart, you'll do the right thing when the time comes.

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:) Jess, all birds are different, I've had good luck mixing birds. 1st question,Cage divider, no matter how well two birds get along they should be divided by at least 2", next if you cover them at night, do you cover them together? A interesting point,"Doe's a caged bird other than mates need their own space?". My choice would be to house them separate..We have Spock, 1yr old, and Joey our 2 1/2 yr old rescue grey. They tolerate each other, not friends but don't fight. Spock and Joey tolerate Salsa our amazon and even play a little. Our Too Fred preens Spock and ignores all other birds.Spock get's along with our Sun's, all the birds were introduced into Spock's world, he's flock leader...

*Instead of taking Yoshi to another you need to bring the new bird to Yoshi!!*Yoshi is number 1.. If you get a Amazon, I'd get a fully weaned baby. Be prepared that they might never become friends but tolerate each other quite well... The 12yr old sounds good, but again, I'd go with separate cages..I love re-homes. :) Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/12 23:41

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Jess, I'm with you, I'd love to get another parrot! After checking out the Amazon Room, and Amazons on YouTube, I've totally fallen in love!


I'm trying to hold back though, I want to see how Paco develops over the next few months before I do anything.

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