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New Sounds


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So just between today and yesterday...I hear this new sound from Issac. I love it! It is so sweet sounding...especially when he is on my shoulder and close to my ear. He does this little.."WhoopWhoopWhoo" thing and I just think it's the cutest. no idea what inspired him...I do do this water drop sound to him occasionally..maybe he is imitating that. i don;t know...but I love to hear new sounds. I love him!

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It is such a delight to be along with you as you discover the wonderful things about Isaac. Love is such a powerful emotion and these greys seem to bring out the best in us, deeper feelings than we could imagine without them. There is no doubt in my mind that you are inspiring him as much as the other way around.

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Yes, you will totally need to revive me if Issac should say his first word. LOL. I really can't tell you how wonderful it is to have him around. Even if he does want to jump on my keyboard while I type sometimes. ;)


Having a parrot as a companion is far more rewarding than I ever imagined.


Sometimes I hear something from him when other noises are going or when he thinks no one is listening and I wonder what it was. I am sure many are familiar with this. IMG_0909.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/11 19:37


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I absolutely love the sounds these birds make. It's not like cockatoos which seem to enjoy getting louder than anything else. They are all very focused and sweet to the ear.


There is one sound he does make when its feeding time. And he knows what, "You wanna eat?" means. Then he makes this high pitched chirp in excitement. Just knowing he knows what I mean is exciting though. IMG_0854-6f253635de7de06bfc6d9eaff86759f4.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/11 21:43


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Oh just you wait! The jungle hollers will come soon enough! I get a kick out of them, but nearly die in my tracks sometimes from the volume Paco can get! Even my Dad who is pretty deaf commented on it one night! LOL!


However, it's the sweetest thing in the world when you try to sleep in and your bird wakes up and says a sweet, "Good morning!" to you! I live for that on Sundays.

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