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"Amazon of the Week" Challenge!!!


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Ok, "Amazon of the Week" Challenge!!!This isn't a easy one, with a special invitation to Forum amazon owners, Renate, Baxtersmom, Carolz7, Ajlinva, Martinls2, Talon, plus or regular friends. As you know owning a amazon isn't a prerequisite for joining in the fun, hopefully some of our online Guests will join the greyforums and participate...


Now to the challenge: Everyone is to pick a Amazon to due a "Amazon of the Week" post.You'll reply to this post with the Amazon of your choosing, If more than one person chooses the same amazon, you can decide who will do it using a pm to each other.

You have until Tuesday the 16th, on the 16th you'll post your Article to a post I'll make on the 15th titled "Amazon's of the Week"!!! Now, the members of the Forum will decide which one they like the best by replying to that post. I'll give the winner 15 Karma's. There can be no losers, because everyone's post is open on this Forum...

Please look over my "Amazon of the Week" post to see the format, please limit to 2 photos and 3 site references. I know what you can do if you take the time and put your mind to it, I Challenge You....;)


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;) Ok Renate (Sunnybird) is doing the *Guadeloupe (amazona violacea)*, Janet [luvsparrot] has chosen *St.Vincent*, Jill [Jillybeanz] has chosen the *Cuban-Amazon*.

Let's extend the posting date to Wednesday, March 17th. You can post from the 17th to Saturday, the 20th. The forum (your peers) can vote from the 20th (Saturday) through Wednesday, the 25th. On Wednesday, the 17th, I will post an *Amazon of the Week Entries* and you can start posting them. Tell your friends, Amazon owners or not, so we can get a few more entries. :)

Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/15 17:42

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Oh so glad you extended the time of entry as I had my 8 month old/5 month grandson this weekend. (If you remember my newest grandson was born premature at only 2 lbs. 10 ozs. Anyhow, he is now 18 lbs. in weight.) So I didn't get to work on the Amazon challenge. but now I can get busy on it. Hooray!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/03/15 22:56

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