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yeah! its a first time!


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i cannont believe my eyes! i am sitting at the computer and Mojo is in a cuddley mood..... with mommy! up until now i have been the only one in Mojos life who could cuddle and give head scratches. but as i type this, he has his head all cocked sideways and is getting all the love he can from the momma! she is so excited that she has decided not to do anything but smile and laugh, and pet on the Mojo! SCORE for mommy!


she now feels the same joy of Mojo that i have been feeling for the last month!

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It is wonderful that you were there to share the moment when Mojo had the chance to be with you and chose her this time. That has to be such a testament to her patience to wait for Mojo to come to her and for you to be the cheerleader for their big cuddlefest. Way to go.

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That is great news that Mojo has finally accepted your wife as a trusted person. My Ana Grey is 19-months old and on her own has accepts my 10 year old grandson as a person she trusts. This is quite strange but it is what it is and she flies over to him and talks to him whenever he is over. Perhaps she has chosen Gabriel to be her future owner.

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