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Birdy Sweater


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Hello All,


I rescued a 11yr/old CAG this last weekend. The lady I got him from said that he had plucked himself because of the diet that he was on; which was solely a seed diet. Any way, my question is this, Its pretty cool where I have him and my mother has offered to knit him a sweater. I think that its a good idea, but I would love some input from every one:-)


Thanks a bunch,



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OH, I think that is extremely sweet. I am not sure how practical it is though. Someone with a ton more experience than me can tell you whether or not that might help your new friend or hurt him. I would think that it might be hard to get him to even put it on based on how hard it is to train some of them to like the aviator harness which barely touches them but would go on similarly to a sweater. I know others will also help you with the feather plucking as I have seen some miracle stories on here. It seems to be a sort of "one day at a time" kind of thing. Your mom's heart is in the right place.

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Lol, I know my Yoshi would rip it to pieces... and an 11 year old bird that hasn't worn something like that before might freak out. Guess it depends on temperment... that's cool that your Mom is willing though :)



There is also the concern of how safe that would be? You don't want the bird to get caught up on something in his cage...<br><br>Post edited by: jessdecutie18, at: 2010/03/10 16:01

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There was an article on the internet about a ladies club in England that knitted sweaters for some local chickens that had lost their feathers. It sounds like a great idea but I agree with others as a sweater would be difficult to get on an older grey and I know my grey would tear a sweater to bits. You have a very thoughtful and loving Mom, you are a lucky guy! Congrats on your new grey Ben, can't wait to see some pictures and hear more about him! Karma to you for re-homing an older grey!

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Well done for taking on this older grey ~ karma to you for caring! As the others have said - there are so many success stores for plucked birds on here and with you care, love and attention I am sure you will get great results too ~ can't wait to see some pictures - and what's he called :)

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Hi Ben,

Well done for rescuing an older bird, this little soul sounds in need of some tlc.

With regards to keeping him warm I'd agree with the others concerns about a knitted sweater, but here's a thought. Does your grey have a birdy bunk? Mine does, and when I stick my hand in there in the morning it's much warmer in the bunk than out it. Alfies bunk is covered at one end with a loose flap so Alfie can stil go out through "the back door"! Perhaps if you covered both ends like this it would be even warmer in there! That way your grey would have somewhere warm to go when he got a bit chilly, and you would also have an idea of actually how cold he is getting. Obviously you would have to introduce the bunk gradually if he doesn't already have one, but it might be worth considering.

Hope you get him sorted one way of the other!

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