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Issac Week 16


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Issac is still growing. No major new developments. He is weaning away from his formula a little bit more so this last week. Taking on only about 10-15 in a feeding before he makes his little noise to say 'no more' it is funny. I actually recognize this small difference in his 'more' and 'no more' sound. Too cute.


His Atom came Saturday and I am going to hang it tonight once I get a cable for it. He saw it sitting on the ground and already wanted to crawl on it. He's gonna love it once it's hanging and has something in the middle.


Issac loves people. They are his greatest curiosity. Another friend came over, and as seen in the cases with all my other visitors. He wants to fly to their shoulder to get a closer look. I worry about this because not all people I plan to meet or introduce will like this. He is totally shoulder friendly once he is there....very well behaved. But it can be intimidating to someone when this very large grey fan of air is approaching. LOL. I personally love it! :)


Going to try to introduce some more new foods in order to help Issac to continue to expand his tastes. Maybe some oatmeal or a veggie kabob as some has suggested. He is still looking like a very healthy and happy bird. I love the lil guy.

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Thanks for the kind words. He certainly has captured my heart like nothing else.


He is enjoying his Atom quite a bit. I hung it up last night, luckily not killing myself in the process. I will post some pictures of him playing on it tomorrow. I still remain the most popular landing site of all. He is preening on my shoulder as I type. Lil rascal. ;)

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Oh my gosh, I almost forgot. He hopped onto my hand to come in the shower this morning. I am not sure if he knew what he was in for...but once he came there...I got his little butt wet, more wet than ever before. He made a few coos of protest, but he didn't freak out. I will keep trying the shower out with him. This is one of his final trials of his childhood. Well...that and weaning 100%. ;)

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Stephen, it's so wonderful to read your posts. Keep up with the showers - that's the best thing you can do for Isaac. Beau loves his, but Dixie won't have anything to do with them without protesting to the heavens. She will now get into a water bowl to bathe. Even if Isaac doesn't get soaked daily the humidity from your shower is of great benefit to him.


I want pictures of the atom and Isaac!



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I will try to keep splashing Issac. One way or another...he's gonna stay clean. Most convenient is the shower. I always let him perch there and watch me having a good time 'cleaning up'. Today he wasn't flying down, just watching. Still yet to get him fully soaked, but yesterday he was pretty darned wet and got very close to the main down pour of the shower head. Tried to drink from it too.

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LOL...last night I had Issac out and he was climbing around on his atom. At one point he was so enthralled with his play that he was on his back on the bottom of the atom playing with the toy I have hanging in the middle. I could not get my camera fast enough....but it was so cute to see him get so wrapped up.


One day I will go back through these posts and see how he grew up and took new strides, so forgive me if I over-chronicle his new behaviors. :)

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