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Phobic Grey


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My 31/2 Male became phobic of us in Feb and he seems to be getting worse. I was hoping with time he would get better. It seems we try everthing to help but are needing some advice how to deal with him. He is pickind under both wings to where it is bloody.

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Hi Sampson.. Welcome to the site... Good to have you..


Now tell me.. That's 3 1/2 years right? You will have to give us more details... Your birds diet, life style, hours along, hours out of the cage, stuff like that if we are to help... and I know we can help..

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I'd say in Dec.. we bought a huge cage to house both birds. It was fine, then in Feb. I tried to trim his toe nails and he flew to the floor and I tried to pick him up and it progressed from there. They were tested for giardia and came back pos. TThen treated and retested and came back neg. They are on Harrisons. occasional dinner food with us , treats once in a while. Seven developed the feather pulling under both wings to where it is red bloody and raw. The vet gave us some cream but try putting it on a phobic bird, It is next to impossible. We tried a series of three shots,I can't remember the name. They have lighting on them in the cage most of the day. He doesn't want to come out cause he's terrified of me and now my wife. Only seems a little tolerable when we sit at night and watch tv with the lights out. The vet wants to put him under so she can clean and dress his raw areas. I'm hoping the anestesa will have some type of effect. I would give him up for a few months to someone if it may help. He used to adore me, thats the sad part<br><br>Post edited by: Sampson, at: 2007/08/05 13:56

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When you tried to trim the nails did you cut too far back and hurt him, that would account for the terror? They don't take too kindly to someone who inflicts pain on them.


You said you got them, both greys I assume, in December of 2006? You have not had them long, maybe they did not bond with you properly and if they are caged together they will bond to each other and not with you. But I think your problem has to do with the attempted nail clip. You will have to try to make friends with him again and he may not accept you and you will have to learn to live with that if necessary.


Sampson, could you give us a little more background information on the two birds you have and your home situation so we are able to give you some answers to your questions. I feel your pain, but maybe we can help you in some way.

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Hi Sampson and welcome.


It sounds like waiting is not going to gain your Greys trust again.


You may need to bite the bullet at this point and just force yourself upon him by bringing him out of the cage on hand and keeping him locked down by holding his toes pinched with your thumb.


Hold him like that for 30 to 45 minutes until he calms down, relaxes knowing nothing bad is going to happen.


This is tricky to do and the best advise I can supply is to go and check out the techniques on this website:




I had a wild Conure that after 9 months of patience, would not let my hand near him. I found this website, familiarized myself with all articles and photo's and then applied them.


That Conure now steps up and stays with me no problem now...


So hopefully, this may work for you. :laugh:

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We never got to trim his toe nails i was going to towel him but he flew to the floor before I could do anything. Seven I had for four years, weened him and Sampson we had for seven years, He's a feather plucker


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Wow, you've had your Greys a long time!


Their are others here with many more years of experience with Grey's also that will chime in.


I am sure they will be able to help more, since they have dealt with issues such as yours during the years they have had them.

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Hi Sampson and welcome.


Sorry to hear of your current challenges. There is some good information in this thread. These things can be difficult, so the more information about the situation the better chance we can help identify of corrective action plan. I am a bit confused in reading this thread about the age of the birds involved. Initially you mention a 3 1/2 male, but then later in the post you indicate having one bird for 4 yrs and another for 7. Is it both birds you are having trouble with?


I would be careful putting a bird "under". This should only be performed by a very competent avian specialist vet. The entire vet visits, anesthesia etc can be very traumatic to the animals and make the situation worse. That is not to say this is not ever warranted, but you need to be very confident its the right thing to do and that other likely causes/steps have been thoroughly investigated.


Again, is there anything you can think of that has happened in the last few months that could be correlated to the onset of these behaviors? In addition, do you have more information on the giardia issue? Were they given soem contaminated water I take it or how did they come to get that?


I hope we can help you get to the bottom of this an see some improvement. You are certainly doing the right thing in researching and asking for others help. There may be more respondents to this with helpful suggestions. Keep us posted.


All the best. ;)

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Hi Sampson & Welcome. I agree with the others, the information you've given us is sketchy , and confusing. Maybe you could clear it up with MORE information. I know we can help you, but we need more details from their history with you.

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Did you chase after him when he flew to the floor? He could have gotten spooked, flew away, seen you chasing after him and become even more frightened. I've heard that's enough to spook a grey into becoming phobic. I hope he'll realize that you didn't mean any harm. :(

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