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Guest voidband

On weekends, Morey (5 y.o. CAG) is out of his cage about 8-10 hours, week days about 3-4 hours. Hope this helps.

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Guest Phunkygal

All day... from morning until about 9:30PM unless I have to leave for a while and no one is home. He has his play gym/perch... food, water, etc.

Jumps down to the floor to walk around a bit (I keep an eye on him...). Goes into the office with me once in a while and plays on his cage, etc. Part of the family (um, I mean flock)

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Easy, she has a cage that fully opens top and front, she has her wings clipped so she cannot fly, windows are never left open. The room is completely parrot friendly, nothing that can be climbed or pulled over. No exposed cables or wires to be chewed.


If I need to curtail her freedom I just have to take away the ladder in front of her cage.

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  • 2 years later...

During the week M-Th. SweetHeart is in her cage all day until we get home at 6 pm and than out till 10pm or so. The days we are home and off from work she is out from the time we get up till the time we go to bed which is usually 9 or 10 am and than until 11 pm or later. Unless she wants to go to bed. We leave her cage door open in case she wants back in sooner. She has a play top on her cage and right now that's pretty much where she stays being we have only had her 2 weeks. She's still getting used to us.

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Please please excuse my ignorance but i cannot understand how people are able to leave there bird out of the cage all day unless they are sitting watching him/she all day ? Can i just ask those people do they have to constantly stay in the room and watch there bird as im sure there are cables etc around that the bird can chew and maybe harm themself or other household hazzards ?Can those birds fly ?What happens when someone opens the front door ?Do those people have busy households ie kids,dinner,household chores ? if so it ammazes me how they can monitor the birds .Im just wondering how all this achieved as i have very busy lifestyle which only allows me to leave my bird out about 2 hours at night midweek and 2-3 hours out on the weekend days which is still sufficent enough as he gets loads of attention while still in the cage from family members .

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You ask an important question, which also highlights the responsibility each person carries for ensuring the safety of their Parrot at all times.


I can only speak for myself here. When Dayo is out, he is either with myself or my wife at ALL times. He is flighted fairly well, as his feathers are going out from a minimum cut the breeder performed before letting us take him home.


He loves to just ride on our shoulders wherever we go and watch what we are doing from there. We do not have any children at home other than grandchildren that come over different times of the week. Depending on the age of the grandchild, we may place Dayo back in his cage for the safety of both Dayo and the child :-)


If Dayo wants down to explore a counter area, couch etc. he is only there as long as we are present and watching attentively. If either one of us have him, when we leave the area, Dayo goes with us. We NEVER leave him unattended due to the dangers you mentioned above and several others, such as Dogs.


As you so will pointed out, a power cord could be bitten through in a heart, so NO, it is not ok to leave any parrot unattended even if your just dashing out of the room to grab another cup of coffee or answer the phone in my opinion.


Thanks for asking these great and important questions!!

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My centiments exactly dan , now not for one minute am i suggesting that anyone on this forum are leaving them in such a case , but it seems strange to me that so many people can leave there parrot out of the cage all day long everyday and stay with him/she for the entire time ?And keep the bird out of harms way ?I know when i even have to go to the toilet or answer the front door i put him at least back ontop of his cage if not into it .

I will get people with different opinions about this but my belief is when a bird comes into the world and is hand reared and kept in a cage etc that is all that it knows is living in a cage ,yes time out of the cage is very important i do know that more for brain stimulisation and boredom than anything else in my opinion ,so there wouldnt be a need to leave the bird out of the cage for long periods ,ok it doesnt do any harm other than the household hazzard but basicly what i am saying is that few hours a day to keep the boredom at bay should be enough again thats my opinion but who am i only a bird owner.<br><br>Post edited by: mervyn2233, at: 2007/11/17 16:09

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Yes, Mervyn, you are providing plenty of time out of the Cage for your Grey. Your right, it does no harm and I would think 2 to 3 hours out of the cage is the most that 90 percent of Grey owners could provide each day.


Thats all Dayo gets on weekdays we are at work. On some days, he may in fact only get 1 1/2 hours out due to having errands to run after work. :-)


I notice that in many cases when viewing videos of Greys on YouTube, that several of them are on there cages and interacting with there owners from with-in them.


I believe the key is that they can atleast see you from the cage, which makes them feel like part of the flock. Getting to come out and romp around with you and have scrathces and cuddles is the icing on the cake. :-)

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Klaus is out from 6:00 pm until 9:30 pm on weekdays. On the weekends I let him out when I get up for approx 1 hour while I have coffee & read the paper. Then I give him breakfast and he happily climbs back in for that. Then, to stay consistent I let him out again by 6:00 pm and he stays out until we go to bed.

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I am with Joe on this one... Mak is out from 8am until 10pm everyday. Although usually around 8ish he goes into his cage on his own. The only time he is locked in his cage is if I have to run some errands.


Makena's cage is located in the living room/dining room which also opens up into the kitchen. That is where we spend 90% of our time so there is always a close eye on him ;)

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Newton gets up at 8:00 am and then has independent play time in the big boy cage until noon:woohoo: then is out from about 12 to whenever a little bird gets tired and crabby usually about 10 - 10:30 pm. Otherwise he is only confined if I cannot take him on my errands. This is our everyday routine I supervise him because if I turn my back he dislikes my statics book more than I do!:evil: Then we feed him and tuck :kiss: our little prince Newton into his lovely roosting cage.

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