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Update Spock...


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No change except he is still losing weight, he's down to 432 gram's yet he eats so much. Daily he eats [approx] 6 tbs smash, 2 tbs seed mix, 4 tbs rice milk with crushed pellets, Veggies: 3 grapes,2-3 sugar snap peas, greens, 1 carrot stick, 1/4 slice apple,2-3 bites squash, a bite of yogurt/cottage cheese, 1 unsalted pretzel and 1 tsp pasta etc...We keep getting the same report,*He's not adsorbing nutrients..* they don't know whats wrong!!!

I hate writing these, We want him well...We can't wait for him to go to sleep and rest at night, then we can't wait for his wake-up time so we know he's ok...At times he looks so tired...



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This truly breaks my heart to hear that Spock hasn't "picked up" yet, weight or otherwise. I can't imagine the frustration you and Maggie are going through!


I continue to will Spock well, and know the rest of the Greyforum Family is doing the same!

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4 tbs rice milk-----stop the rice milk--that type of dairy isn't good for greys as well as any other white dairy.


yogurt/cottage cheese----yogurt is only used to replenish any good bacteria that was lost--won't increase any weight. Cottage cheese is another white dairy product which your bird won't metabulise and will not won't put any weight on your bird. Levels of calcium will be affected.


Fruits -----fruits are acidic and shouldn't be given everyday--at the most once or twice a week only. No fruit will help a bird gain weight.


Don't crush pellets. It won't stay in the stomach for long. Give plenty of pellets all day long. They should be available all day long.


Veggies---have them available to the bird all day long--don't measure out amounts of things.


Increase the amount of veggies that you give. Have them around him all day long and if they have to be refreshed, do it.


Heavily increase the amount of parrot mix you're giving. It should be available in the cage all day long.


Everyday, give a large scoop ( coffee scoop_ of warm thick flavored oatmeal.


Give either plain or toasted bread or english muffins to him.


2x a week give one square inch--1/8 inch thick piece of very hard YELLOW cheddar cheese which is totally different than white cheese.



Give many almonds to him as well as other fattening nuts such as peanuts.


Get some red palm oil and give 1/2 teaspoon 2 to 3 times a week because an underweight bird has very little VIT A and VIT E in it's system. If your bird doesn't like it, spread it on things that he likes or microwave it, make it a liquid and put it on the parrot mix and stir it in.


You're giving to much white dairy products and that's no good for a grey.


You may think that many things I name are unhealthy but they're not and you're dealing with an underweight bird who's food isn't remaining in the body long enough.


Don't expect thefuul weight to come back.


You never mentioned what the original weight was but his present weight is that of a medium sized african grey.

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Thanks all, and thanks Dave, I'll dfinitely follow your suggestions. Here a detailed break down: Rice milk, stopped, Yogurt/cottage cheese,vet recommend, cottage cheese stopped, yogurt he gets 1/4 tsp, Fruit I'll reduced as you recommend, I like pectin in apples but will reduce also, Pellets, Spock won't eat *any pellets*,His veggies are kept in his cage 24/7, changed often,[were known for our use of veggies in birds diet], a special seed mix is kept 24/7 and changed 2 + times a day, Problems with Spock eating oatmeal [will try harder] but eats his piece of toast, Yellow cheese, will do, assorted nuts [fresh] are kept available for him at all times, He's on Palm oil...Spock weighed 580-590 grams when this started....They determined Spock has a high metabolism and higher then normal body temp, has since a baby. Again,

Thank You...Jay and Maggie


Note: The amounts I posted were the amounts he ate not amounts given..<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/06 20:44

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That is a drastic weight loss and I feel so bad for you and Maggie because I know you want to do all you can to make Spock healthy again but it seems you are fighting a losing battle. All our prayers have gone unanswered so far but hope springs eternal and maybe the next turn in the road will be the one that makes a difference, I will continue to pray for his health to improve but you two keep your heads up and stay positive for Spock's sake.


Thanks so much Dave for the suggestions on what Spock should and shouldn't be eating.

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It is amazing that his appetite is still good and he eats as often as he does. You must be keeping his spirits up to have him trying so hard. So sorry to hear his weight is still so low and that it seems to have happened over a relatively short period of time. I wish we could have some answers and help for Spock. He is a favorite here on the forums and I'm sure in your home as well.

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Jay & Maggie, I hope and pray that this ne change in his diet helps. Peanut butter has lots of fat in it. I would put it on toast and feed it to him. Cut it up into little squares for him. Spock is in my prayers.....:(

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:) Spock here, Thank you all. They forgot to mention that I eat at least a teaspoon of organic peanut butter a day, [ going to try it on toast tonight...]that's my favorite food....:whistle:

Spock<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/03/07 01:19

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What a continuing trial for you all.


Dave gave excellent advice on the diet.


One other thing I was wondering. Will Spock still possibly take formula? Even if it's just once a day, it would be chock full of nutrients to help in addition to what he eats.


His feathers continue to look worse. Is he over preening?


Still praying for you all. :-)

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Thank you all, your wishes and prayers mean so much. Spock quit eating his formula 2 weeks ago, we tired mixing it with other foods to no avail. Spock's feathers and biting was his first signs of a problem followed by his stools. The only places we've seen him preen is the back of his neck,[feathers ok there] flight feathers and bend of his left wing. His chest and wing tops are curly cues and he must do it at night when covered. We got him to eat a little oatmeal[1tsp] last night. Jay and Maggie

Note :We just did a post in "Bird Food" you might find interesting...

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