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1st Anniversary (poem)

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It's almost a year when I first surfed the net

to find some advice on my new feathered pet.

I was still awaiting to bring him home,

still in the shop and I was alone.

I couldn't rest, I couldn't sleep

until dear Beau was mine to keep.

I recall counting days until he was here,

advice was needed to which I'd adhere.

You were there with advice at the ready,

on your pcs laptops, always rock steady.

You knew the answers to my every request,

sensible, articulate - the very best.

Janet & Judy t'other side of the pond

to you I've grown particulary fond.

Lyn, Jill, Jay, Dan, Maggie and kim

oh and Dave007 too - advice on a whim.

Penny, Pat, Sheila, Caroline

the latter less often but doing just fine.

Please forgive me for those I have missed

too many FART meetings I must be p***ed.

Alas I'm coming to the end of this tribute

I must feed the fids, give them their fruit ;-)

Just wanted to say you've become good friends

and my thanks to you I wanted to send.

Now I have two, healthy fids I adore

a little more knowledgeable, I know the score.

Give them the best that you can afford

and they will love you of their own accord.

Lots of love and out-of-cage time

treats en mass and they will be fine.


Yes folks it's almost a year now!

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What a wonderful tribute to your fids, Beau and Argyle, and to the Greyforums. You are a great asset to the forum Julie and I am so glad you joined the family. Your poetry is always marvelous, simply marvelous and you are a great friend to us all. :kiss:

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What a wonderful gift you have Jules and yes I am proud to call you one of my best friends here on the forum, my second home. My has it been a year already, how time flies when you are having fun, I am going on 3 years here.


I too count myself lucky to have found this forum, with it's knowledge and advice from the many members have enriched my life with my fids, how would I have got along without it.


Thanks for sharing that with us Jules.

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