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Wild Robin


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I thought this was amazing and just wanted to share.


I don't have a garden at home, so feed the wild birds down at the horses. This cheeky robin is always waiting in my feedshack for a handout (literally!).

Having Alfie has really made me aware of how much it takes for this little bird to be brave enough to come on to my hand! It's awesome and a real privelege!



Hope you and your's are all well.


Lyn & Alfie.


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Lyn, that is special. Your robins are a little smaller and a bit different than the ones we see here. I can not believe how patient and still you could stand. David's grandfather used to stand real still while he was feeding hummingbirds and they would land on his finger while they ate from the feeder.

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I'm glad you all liked it and thanks for looking.

Dee, I just made myself comfy and waited! I didn't need to wait all that long though - this morning was the second morning he fed from my hand, and I barely got the camera going today and he was there!

Mind I have had a few fruitless sittings too! I guess he was just ready!

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Great video!


It's always wonderful to see how a wild critter and human can develop a level of trust over time and patience.


That little bugger is quick!!! You need to go slow-motion to see if it got a seed from your hand. :P


Thanks for sharing this.

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It's a beautiful video Lyn - but also shows what terrible time our wildlife has had over the really harsh winter we've had. For a robin, especially, to come to your hand it is obviously so desperate for the tasty treats on offer.


Just watch out next time for the seagull :laugh:

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  • 5 months later...

A few of you may remember that I made a little friend back in March this year. This little Robin fed off my hand daily. I watched and marvelled at how he brought his wife along, and although she never came to my hand, they had a little routine that they went though every day. She would sit on a branch maybe two feet away, he would come and get his breakfast off my hand, then he would come and get hers, being very careful to "kill" it first, before he fed it to her. This happened every day until one day in May.......nothing - no sign of either of them. I thought at first that perhaps they were busy with nest duties, but as the weeks wore on and there was still no sign of them I began to fear the worst. Then out of the blue last week, he's back. Looking a little worse for wear - he looks like he's been dragged through a hedge backwards - litterally! Maybe the babies were extra demanding, or maybe the nest was attacked - no idea, but it's so great to have him pick up where we left off. This is a wee video I got this afternoon.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eT5HAj53bk

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I'll bet wrens would too if you wanted to sit still with a handful of little worms. Ewww!

Lol - I'll stick with my robin thanks!!

Worryinly though, just as I arrived at the field this morning, I saw a Sparrowhawk fly away from the feeding station - no Mr Robin this morning and I haven't seen him tonight either - I so hope he's ok - I love this little bird!

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  • 4 months later...

Good news - Robin is back! Actually he has been back a wee while, but was quite aloof, then I noticed there were two floating about, and now there are three! So I think the aloof one wasn't my robin at all! My robin is so bold he is landing on my arm as I'm getting his food ready!! Brilliant. Here's a new little bit of vid taken lately in the recent cold snap we are having.

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