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Welcome Kopi

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After much consideration our family is going to bring Juno's little brother home. He is nine months old and has had some health issues, but the way I look at it, he needs a home and we need him in our life just as much. My whole family is on board and I just feel so lucky to get a second chance that I know regardless of what comes, we can handle it together. Every time I talk on the phone and hear him in the background, it makes me joyful. It will only be one more week until he comes home!

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I am so pleased you are going to give Kopi a good home, he certainly needs one and you have a big heart and lots of love to give so I know he will be well taken care of, he will never take Juno's place but will provide some companionship for you and your family.


I can't wait to see some pictures of him, congrats Dee on your decision to make Kopi a part of your life.

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What a lovely thing to do for Juno's brother. Karma to you for your generosity. You have a big heart Dee and I know you will give Kopi a wonderful forever home. Pictures please. I can't wait to hear more about your new family member.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/03/06 05:09

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Hee Hee Hee! What are you like! Like the rest of your family I have been sitting here tapping my fingers awaiting "number 3s" arrival! That cupboard of yours will be getting some use (and I'm sure there's more been added to it)! You're a star Dee - you know what I think anyway - so I'm not going to go on and on!


Can't wait to see some pictures of Kopi ~ get that camera clicking ;)

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Would you folks believe I have been following the forum for eight months and have only had an African Grey in my home for six weeks? I really did want to bring Kopi home from the beginning but struggled with doing the right thing, understanding full well what we are getting into and while there are going to be hard parts, it will be worth it in the long run. I think one of the hardest parts has been the stash of toys I was stockpiling for Juno and thinking it was depriving some other bird. I think it is fitting to give them to his brother. Since he is a little older and I never have spent time with him, we are going to work for three days over the weekend to help him get to know me in the least stressful turnover. We are starting fresh and he will be number one in my life. I guess I just had to wait until I was absolutely sure I could give my whole heart to him and not just house so he has a place to live. We are ready for an adventure!

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It GreYt to hear you have made it through your trying times and decided to have another Grey in your life.


It's wonderful that it has worked out for you to bring Kopi home soon and provide the same loving care you are known here for. :-)


Looking forward to hearing updates on this and seeing photos as it progresses.

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Tomorrow is our big day! He is blissfully unaware of a big change coming in his life while I am beyond excited and a little nervous. It is so different this time because I haven't been buying toys and treats with his name on them, but once he gets here he has plenty to play with when he is ready. Omigosh, we are going to have a new little guy in the house again.

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Me too! Patiently waiting. I have been ironing quilt fabric and for a minute I thought it was Friday! Just wishful thinking of course. It is hard to believe that next week I will awaken to sounds of grey! I have food made up in the freezer, and don't know what else to do to get ready, I have been ready since last July. What will be will be and the waiting will make it sweeter.

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Oh Dee ~ you are worrying for nothing! That house of yours has been ready for a grey for months and months now ~ in fact - Harvey has had his bags packed for months now awaiting your call ;)


Kopi is one lucky little chappie and he'll sharp find out why - GET THE CAMERA OUT!!! :laugh:

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