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The Aviator Cheerleader isn't Cheering!


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For those of you who are new and don't know - I am the unoffical Aviator Harness Pom Pom Girl! I had a trial and a tribulation getting the harness on last year (quick recap - I nearly needed therapy) but then after that - hey - he was the guy about town!


Well, obviously here in the UK it's too cold for penguins to go out (let alone tropical parrots) so stupidly the harness hasn't been used for months!


I have just tried to get it near him, never mind on him! Back to square one! I am so demoralised - and what you must remember - he's 15 months old now - not that sweet youngster he was - he bites!


So, moral of the story is - if you train your bird to use a harness - keep it up - even if it's just in the house!!!


I will try again - but it's such a shame - he was hardly in the house last summer.....!



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Have the same problem with my Ana Grey. Wish I had put it on her during the winter but you know what they say about hindsight!!!!! :blink: :( Harvey certainly looks like he would like a piece of you Jill!!!! :angry: :unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/03/06 01:27

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Dave007 wrote:

""""Pom Pom Girl! """""


Any exciting pictures you'd like to share? I hear that Pom Poms are the in thing this year in the UK.


Eeeewgh! Dave, you honestly, honestly wouldn't want that! I can promise you 10000000%!!!! :laugh:

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Lol - pom pom girl!! That does cojur up an image!! Thanks for that Dave!!:laugh:


Alfie kind of took an aversion the the harness at the backend of last year so we quit it for a while. I tried it tentatively last week after leaving lying around her cage for the last month and early indications are good!


Like you Jill, I'm dead worried that she won't want it on - She was out a lot last year.

Fingers crossed for us!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tried again at the weekend - left the harness on his cage - he flew to it and threw it on the floor! I keep it in the drawer in the study and when I opened the drawer he flew off! Intuition says that I have a "used all summer" aviator on offer!! :laugh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am starting to wonder whether Harvey will ever accept his harness again. He was downright vicious at the weekend when I went near him with it, and lunged straight at me. I really, really wish I'd kept putting it on during the winter, but alas, it is too late now. So, top tip - keep putting it on, even if the weather doesn't allow you to take your birdie outside!

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I'm so sorry Harvey is not accepting the harness any longer, yes you probably should have kept putting it on him so he remained used to it but he obviously hates it now by the description of his behavior when you brought it into view. Get a travel cage and use it, better than nothing.

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Chin up Jill, I think we have all been struggling with this a bit now with spring here. I have been able to get it on Paco twice now, but nearly lost my arm in the process. The struggle is getting the ring over his head, wings are a breeze, but tightening it. Holy cow! By the time I actually get it done up I'm soaked in sweat, breathing hard and covered in bird poop with an angry bird on my hand. When the harness is on, I won't let him near my shoulder, it's the only time I don't trust him. I have really kept him out for long periods of time, not because either of us are enjoying it, but because I know I have to go through the whole process in reverse, possibly losing my other arm in the process... I will continue, with prayers for my life and limb.

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If it makes you feel any better I am another one who is struggling with the harness...I have basically given up as soon as Rangi sees me coming with it his feathers go flat to his body and he looks at me like I don't think so lady. I can get it over his head and that is with a lot of treats in the process, but any further and he starts to realise that the treats just don't cut it for what he has to do. Kea is the same over the head and then you have to be joking me you want me to what lift my wings and put that on.


I don't know how you pluck up the courage Xtreme I am too chicken of the bites to even attempt to struggle with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! How did I miss this!!! Dave - I have nearly peed my pants! They are wearing the EXACT outfits I train in - gosh, I can't believe someone would copy me!!! Now that I am cheering again - I shall put this routine to good use - you never know, the next video might be of me!!! NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT!

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So far Sunshine also puts up a fight, leans back to avoid the loop that's trying to go over his head, and I'm thinking that perhaps one day I will not be able to do this anymore. This weekend we are going to the country again so we shall soon find out... However, until that day I intend to be MORE thick headed and stubborn than he can be!

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