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Hi, my name is Victoria, i'm new to this site and a first time african grey owner. I have 2 teils and a quaker as well. I brought home my grey (Apollo) a few months ago feb. to be exact. and I think he still has seperation issues from his previous owners. He will be 11 yrs. old on aug. 16th. He is truely a bright and very vocal little man. He has fallen in love with my husband and loves to mimick his voice sometimes to where it scares the dog. (poor thing). He is quite commical and is a joy to have around. He still hasn't let me take him from his cage but will talk with me and sing and do tricks and what not as long as i don't try to take him from the cage. He even lets me stick my hands in the cage to feed and water him as long as i don't touch. Used to be my husband was the only one who could do this. My quaker comes out and plays on a play gym and sometimes when she does Apollo just looks at her. I am truely glad that i have him, he has brought so much to this household and keeps us in stitches he is just to funny. I look forward to reading what everyone has written and getting to know everyone.

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Hello, Victoria, and welcome to our family, and we are a second family here, we care about each other and our greys and you are a welcome addition.


Congrats on your new to you grey, and kudos to you for adopting a rehome grey, they can be challenging but can be rewarding to gain their love and devotion.


He has chosen your hubby as his favorite and you may have to live with that, but it does not mean he won't be more accepting of you in the future.


I am glad it is going well for him and you and your family. Please do read any and all threads here if you have the time, there is a lot of useful information.


I look forward to hearing more about Apollo, and if you could post a picture of him, we would love that, one thing you will see here is a lot of photos, we love to brag.:P

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Hi Victoria and Welcome!


You will find a ton of topics here and also that all here are more than eager to give you advice and help.


Apollo sounds like a wonderful CAG that needs some time to adjust to his new family and mourn over the loss of his original.


Does he allow your Husband to take him out of the Cage?

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thank you for the welcomes. I belong to another site but for my quaker and like said here its like having an extended family. I've learned alot from them when i brought home my quaker and hope to learn alot about my grey here. In answer to your question... no, he doesn't let my husband take him out, and my husband is afraid of getting bitten. He's not as sure of my babies as i am. He still won't atempt to hold Polly (my quaker) unless she is out of her cage. then he pets her and holds her. He loves to talk to them all and does this every oppertunity he gets as well as my kids. The family that had Apollo before had him since he was a baby, and it broke their hearts to have to give him up, but they had their first baby and the way the pregency came about it scared them to have Apollo and the baby. I have always wanted a grey and i was presented with the pleasure of taking him since i knew the ladys father and he knew how i am with my others. I talked to her several times over the phone so she could get to know me a bit. When i went to pick him up he came right to me, let me hold him and all. So i figured i just needed to give him some time. My quaker took awhile to adjust so i knew it would take time for Apollo as well. I'm anticipating the time that he actually lets me hold him again, but i'm surely not rushing it. He still bonds with me but just not with me touching him. So i'm happy with that. He loves to argue with my daughter too. He has learned quite a few words since he has been here with us and we know they are new because we talk with the previous owners alot. I talk about him so much that my co-workers are now wanting one. I like to brag what can i say. They are all my babies and what do parents and parronts do best? right Brag.

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Hi Victoria, & Welcome! You sound like you have a very nice family of birds in your home. You'll find lots of good information here. I look forward to hearing more about your birds. If you have any pictures, please post them, we'd love to see them! :)

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Victoria - Thanks for the further details on your new CAG.


It sounds like you are very excited and your enthusiasm is already inspiring your friends :-).


That's wonderful.


Also, on our Other Birds Room, Tari is a Quaker Breeder and I am sure you can swap stories and photo's


We all love photo's here :woohoo:

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Hi victoria.. WELCOME to our family.. I wanted to tell you that we have a resident Quaker expert. Her name is Tari.. Why don't you stop in the "other birds" room and introduce yourself there too. Tari is a wealth of info on all sorts of birds and an expert on quakers..


:) :)

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Hi Victoria, welcome here. He sure sounds like a lot of fun. Do you also tell your co-workers about the care (but mostly time) that goes into having Greys - so they won't get the wrong idea and think they're like a toy? Be sure that they're prepared for it B)


Do you have photos of your birds? :blush:

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yes FairY, i do tell my co workers all about the care and time it takes with all my little ones. My boss was thinking of getting a quaker and for now has changed his mind thanks to me. I gave him alot of websites to check out and told him to really research them before purchasing one, along with what my sounds like especially when screaming and the care and time i spend on and with her. He settled for a parakeet. He said maybe in the future he will get one, he is having another baby and has a soon to be 1yr old and they are at work alot of hours and i can't see him getting a quaker to sit at home alone. I have alot of family that talks and plays with my little ones so they never lack attention. I think i mainly discouraged him for the quakers sake. Atleast he understood.

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