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Sick with the flu


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Man, have I ever been hit with a nasty stomach flu the last couple of days. I'm just now starting to feel a little better, but I'm afraid to eat anything, and don't really have an appetite yet anyway.


Has it ever been tough avoiding Paco! The moment I started to feel unwell, I remembered other posts and how we can sometimes pass our illnesses on to our birds. Due to this, I've been home, but made sure I left the air purifier on, if anything just to blow my germs away from the bird.


My sister popped by this morning and dropped off some juices and such, so I used the opportunity to have her change out Paco's food and water for me, then I spent the rest of the day between the couch and my bed. Paco enjoyed the day out of his cage, playing between his spinning tree and cage.


We only had one issue all day, he spooked at something and tried to jump through the window, landing on the windowsill, but he seems fine, I did have to pick him up though, so after washing my hands, I asked him to "step-up" and we went into the bedroom where he stood on his t-stand, and we both fell asleep for a couple of hours.


I hope I get better soon, I miss having him chill with me, and the beak rubs on my cheek.

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Well, we all got together here and decided to wish you the best in your time of torture and pain. We hope the trip between the bed and the couch isn't draining the strength out of you. Just remember that we're all here for you through thick and thin. Not to worry, you'll never be forgotten during this low period in your life. Always know that things will get better.

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Been there - done that - this week to be exact! Just did get to feeling human again yesterday, and I didn't leave the bedroom. Called my mom Monday morning and said - please come feed my birds. She knew I was sick. Around here they are calling it the Norovirus and I've done everything in my power to survive it - did have to go to school on Tuesday to take a test - almost killed me.


Hope you feel better, it will pass, along with everything you ingest.



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Thanks gang! Today I dragged my sorry but outta bed to go "re-load" at the pharmacy. They assured me that they have been seeing a lot of people feeling just like me this week...


Anyway, I'm still at home, and yes, Paco is loving it, although I can tell he wants to spend the time on the couch with me. He and I are currently on the same schedule, we are getting up at 10, and going to bed at nine, and I now know he likes two naps during the day, one in the morning, and another in the late afternoon, unless he's just sleeping 'cause I am???


Anyway, glad your hear for me, hope you did ok on your test Robin, I need to do an essay, but can't sit up long enough to get more than a couple of lines in.

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