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Whats YOUR Grey's Diet?


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You will have to have Mango DNA sexed, you cannot tell by looks, they take a sample of blood and do a test on it to determine sex.


I would go easy on the steak, you don't want to feed them very much red meat and go easy on the cheeses too, mine loves cheddar cheese but I only give it to her on occasion.


Mango is regurgitating for your dad, that is a sign of affection, he should feel honored.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi RadarHayes,


Zupreem is a bird food manufacturer. Most often, when you see this mentioned, it is referring to their Pellets. For example, I give Dayo (CAG) Zupreem Fruity blend pellets. They are available in any Pet store that carries Bird feeds and supplies.

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My CAG's are on a diet of Abba 1500 Seed and RoudyBush Pellets, and some Zupreme Fruit Blend, I have 3 bowls set up in the cage so they can have their pick of what they want. I also feed them vegies and fruits. They love Spagetti (without the meat).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I feed Smokey a mixture of people food and bird food. He has a few Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch "pellets" every morning, which he dunks in his orange juice. I always give him fresh fruit with that, sometimes the Healthy Harvest applesauce (it has no sugar in it)...sometimes he gets Kaashi GoLean but alas, he's not a big fan of granola.


For lunch/dinner, he has whatever I'm having (in moderation--nothing too salty) including cooked meat, always a small portion. I mix in some bird seed mix for texture, and also a good portion of Harrison's blocks to bulk things up.


He loves pasta and peas, also uncooked broccoli and those little grape tomatoes (cut in half). And if he's really good, he gets a Reeces Pieces or two; those are his absolute favorites. I've recently discovered he likes those Yogurt Dips just as much, so we're making the switch as I know candy is NOT good for him!! He just loves to tear into the candy shell for the peanut butter treat inside. With the Yogurt Dips, he eats only the yogurt part; the treat inside is discarded.

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My bird gets Sally Blanchard's glop recipe every morning for breakfast (for the recipe go to www.companionparrot.com). It is basically a mixture of sugar-free toast, high vitamin A baby food like sweet potato, carrots or squash, a bit of non-fat yogurt, some flax seed oil and sometimes some wheat germ. You can also mix in other healthy veggies, greens, grains or fruits but he just loves this food. For lunch I share a rice and bean mixture with other veggies cooked in like carrots, squash, kale, brocolli or whatever fresh veggies I have. We both eat this and I figure it is good for both of us! For dinner sometimes he has a bite of whatever we are eating as long as it is bird safe. A big favorite of his is pasta with tomato sauce. He also has pellets available all the time and gets snacks of pea pods, apples, healthy cereals, or occasionally a cracker with some peanut butter or a few sunflower seeds. He's not a big fan of fruits besides apples but I figure he is getting a range of vitamins from all the veggies he eats. Oh, as others on this post have mentioned he goes absolutely crazy for cheese but I try to limit it to just a little bit occasionally. Yeah, he eats very good, better than most people I know. :P

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Hedwig eats Harrisons high potency. She is pretty picky....likes apples, brocolli, carrots. LOVES sunflower seeds, but those are her treats along with harrisons power treats. She also has a new trick ....she throws her food while sayingWANNA TREAT? Its kind of funny, but I have to nip that one in the bud!

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  • 1 month later...

Lidia wrote:

Joshua's staple is seed-based, and he gets a good mix with seeds, nuts, pulses, some pellets and dried fruits in it. Around that, he gets some porridge in the morning, a piece of toast (with butter).

When he goes into his cage for the day, he has a large bowl of mixed salad leaves and herbs, some fresh peas, beans, carrots, berries, sometimes grapes, orange, apple and whatever else I have that's fresh. He also sometimes get pasta (usually with bolognese sauce), some fat-free meat and the occasional small piece of raw steak (from which he sucks all the blood and then discards the meat ... eeeew!).

As with Judy, I also give him snacks from time to time, keeping the salt and fat content low.

In the evening, he has some of whatever I am having for dinner, and that's about it. The fresh content varies from day to day and I think a seed-based diet is as healthy as a pellet-based one, so long as you get the overall balance right. Joshua has been healthy on the diet I give him for over eighteen years.

He gets a bowl of hot water in the morning with his breakfast, and then I top it up with cold water throughout the day.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/03 18:12


is raw meat i.e. steak OK for them???????

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Emma,Foods that endanger parrots include avocado, including guacamole, chocolate or cocoa, alcohol, caffeine, the pits of apricots, peaches, plums, prunes, and seeds of the cherimoya fruit, Obvious dangers such as moldy foods, under-cooked meat, or raw meat should be avoided.Raw meat is a NO.

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Patsyrat wrote:

I feed Smokey a mixture of people food and bird food. He has a few Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch "pellets" every morning, which he dunks in his orange juice. I always give him fresh fruit with that, sometimes the Healthy Harvest applesauce (it has no sugar in it)...sometimes he gets Kaashi GoLean but alas, he's not a big fan of granola.


For lunch/dinner, he has whatever I'm having (in moderation--nothing too salty) including cooked meat, always a small portion. I mix in some bird seed mix for texture, and also a good portion of Harrison's blocks to bulk things up.


He loves pasta and peas, also uncooked broccoli and those little grape tomatoes (cut in half). And if he's really good, he gets a Reeces Pieces or two; those are his absolute favorites. I've recently discovered he likes those Yogurt Dips just as much, so we're making the switch as I know candy is NOT good for him!! He just loves to tear into the candy shell for the peanut butter treat inside. With the Yogurt Dips, he eats only the yogurt part; the treat inside is discarded.


can we give our greay orange juice then - I suppose pure orange & apple juice good - what about pomegrante juice - any one know surely water is boring just water water water I know milk is not good but must b able to give him some pure juice of something... grapefruit even...? xxx

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My greay - sensei is so so so fussy - will onlye eat greapes if I feed them to him - loves pommegrante seeds but doesnt pick them up off plate... I have a bowl of parrot mix (am going to change this to harrisons pellets) then the other bowl will have her fresh stuff in - I put half a coconut cut open with some pommegrante seeds & grapes in it before I left for work this morn dso hopefully he eats them - I got some palmfruit extract the other dsay thinking I can use this instead of palm nuts having not being able to get them.... it was discusting - sensei didnt take to it - it stunk the whoel house & stained everything.... wont b using that again.....xxx any tips for getting a grey to eat fresh food more - I have tried chopping fresh food up & putting in his bowl & misingit with regular food but no such luck - I am scared that he is under eating - I have got a multi vitamin spray & calcium drops for his supplements so he does get all that... but I am very worried...xxx

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Keep trying the fresh veggies and fruits, sometimes it just takes them a while to decide to eat them so don't give up so quickly, keep at it.


I would go easy on the grapes, they don't offer much nutritionally but some sugar that they don't need, use it as a treat or reward for good behavior.:P

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  • 3 weeks later...

My African Grey, Jaco, is 6 months old now and I received him at 4 and half months. He was fully weaned onto seeds :( So I switched him immediately to natural pellets "Supreme" i'll call them as I don't know if you can put brand names here. He reverted back to handfeeding briefly (a few days) as I fed him moistened pellets. Now he eats the hard ones and is growing so big! the problem is he won't much of anything else, including people food. He loves pizza. But as for veggies, fruit, pasta, eggs, bread... really anything he won't touch it. Any comments or suggestions. I know I have to be patient....but not even people food?! What parrot hates people food?!


Dazed and confused

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