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All they have is us!!!!


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All our fid's have is us, don't ever take anything for granted, in a wink of a eye everything can change. We can have a perfect bird safe house and they can find a bead or piece of alum foil, or chew on a sponge when were not looking, or maybe a open door, a boiling pan of hot water and we turn our backs for one second...There's always going to be some sadness in the Forum, that's life, please read the good posts as well as the sad one's, we have to be aware at all times, so much can happen in one second...Jay

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So far, there has not been so much as a moment where I do not know where Issac is or what he is doing. It's a lot of work, but his hapiness is worth it. He brings so much joy to my life. Leaving him flighted, I also know that keeping him from leaving is not preventing his freedom, but his death sentance. May I always be dilligent. :)

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