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Talking up a storm


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I love my beaufiful Beau so much. I am soooo proud of him, these past few weeks he is talking up a storm, it's like the penny has dropped and he has twigged how to copy human words with ease. His latest vocabulary:


"Come on Argyle" this makes me the proudest as it is my beloved football team.

"Come on then"

"good boy"

"Bye" as I leave the room

"owwww" when I'm bringing a treat

"hello Bobo"

"kiss kiss kiss"


Three of these phrases have come in the last week. There are more that I can't think of right now. I'm sure he is also saying other things as he is often in "my voice mode" but I can't always figure what it is he is saying.


I love that bird more than I can say!

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Ohh yes...me jealous. I look forward to the day Issac says or mimics something, he is young yet, but I spend a lot of time with him. He does however make the sweetest bird sounds ever. I love the little 'coo' noises. And his babbling is ever cute! Keep goin Issac!

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