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I got her Wednesday night and have been so busy that I finally have time to post! She came to work with me today to meet some co-workers. I put her on my monitor while I worked and she fell asleep :laugh:


She has been so good, takes everything in stride, just hope it stays that way. I'm trying to introduce her to anything and everything!<br><br>Post edited by: Pryde, at: 2007/08/03 04:58


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She's a beaut, Pryde, a very beautiful grey and I am glad it is going well for you and her. And that is good that you can take her with you to work, I do the same thing occasionally. Thanks for sharing this picture with us, I can see why you love her so much.:)

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Well I don't know how much I will really be able to take her to work. We just got notice of our company being shut down on Tuesday so now all rules kinda go out the window :evil: My co-workers would like to see her more though, so we will see. My last official day is October 5th and I doubt my new job will allow her to come to work.


She is very curious, she is climbing all over her cage right now and chirps at me every time I go near so that I will let her out.

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I'm sorry about your job, but it looks like you have another one so good for you.


I know you want to spend all your time with her, but don't get in the habit of giving her all your time if you can't keep it up. They get used to it and then you can have behavior problems when they don't get the same attention. Only spend what time you think you can keep up for the rest of her life.:)

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Well, not officially yet, but in my line of work pets are generally not allowed. Since I am still working she isn't getting any extra attention right now. My breeder actually recommends against any sort of routine at this point so she won't get used to anything and will handle change more readily.

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Hi Pryde,


It sounds like it started off with a great day for both you and your new Baby :-)


Great photo, what a fine looking Grey.


She sounds like a very exploratory and fearless personality type. Which is great.


I know you have a FULL schedule now, but we all love the updates you are taking time to Post! :-)


Keep them coming.

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Guest Lidia


She is just beautiful and you're doing all the right stuff! I am sure while she is finding her feet, she will enjoy going to work with you, but perhaps you oughtn't to do it every day as you will then find it difficult to leave her alone when you need to go out and she could develop abandonment issues. Play it by ear.

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Things are going very well. As it turns out Pryde is quiet the ham! Here is another photo for everyone to enjoy :P I would attach more, but I don't know how to do more than one :(


DSC_1762.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Pryde, at: 2007/08/05 02:05


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Oh yes, having lots of fun. I don't need to have a tv anymore, she is way more entertaining! We had the aviator on today and took a short walk outside to distract her from it. I think it is a little big on her yet though as she grabs it with her foot all the time. She is delicate and small, only about 360 grams.

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Thats us allright, not much TV watching anymore, of course I am on here all the time, can't you tell?


My Josey is more intertaining every day, her vocabulary is increasing all the time, my hubby sees to that, she now says "bad bird".


You do have a petite one, Josey is around 415 grams so she is about the average, but who cares, they are all cute and lovable. Thanks for sharing her with us.

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Guest Lidia

Pryde is quite lovely and very clever looking, I love the quizzical expression in her face, the way she looks sidelong at things. She's going to grow up to be quite the little monkey (so to speak)!

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