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Update on Sephora


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Hello forum!!!


it has been a while...


a refresher- I'm Robin. Sephora is now 9 months old. We got her back in september.At the time I was living in CT with my husband and unemployed so I had plenty of time to spend and bond with her (even though she's definitely a daddy's girl:)


My husband Brian got new orders(he's in the navy) back to my hometown, Va Beach. He'll be here in july. In the meantime, I got a job lined up and moved back here in November, leaving Sephora with Brian.


I was really nervous about how our bond would be affected as well as how she'd handle being alone (when Brian was at work) since she's been so used to someone always being home. But she adjusted well to living with Brian alone.


fast forward to 2 weeks ago- we're about to close on a new home, so Brian brought Sephora and her big cage here to stay with me. (I'm currently living with my dad until we can move into our new house.) At first, I wasn't quite sure our bond would still be there, and if it was, how strong would it be?


It's surprised me how WELL she has done with this whole transition(changing houses, changing "live in" parronts, and the amount of people she's exposed to.)It's taken few weeks, but Sephora now lets snuggle and cuddle her, where originally she'd barely let me hold her. She misses Brian and definitely still looks for him, but this makes me feel better in terms of the fact I know she'll handle his future deployments as well too.


Even with me working full time, we've built a pretty good routine...she gets at least 1-2 hours of time with me, one on one. Other than that, her cage is huge and full of toys for entertainment when I'm gone.


I have 2 little half sisters, ages 4 and 7. Sephora was scared at first but is adjusting, and the kids are learning how to behave around her.


So anyone out there living the military lifestyle or having moving issues...its hard on them but if you devote enough time, energy and love to them they'll be ok and adjust. I was terrified of her plucking...now she's going through her first molt I think because I've seen of featherlike dander dust stuff coming off when she scratches and little open ended pinfeathers on her neck.


I've been spraying her with aloe juice and water regularly to help her along and rubbing her neck seems to appease her.


She has also started talking within the last month and a half...I was bummed to miss her first "real" words- "Hello!!!" But she is learning quickly- she even mimics a little chihuahua bark that lived next door to us in groton- which comes off cute ...on her. "Whoa!!" seems to be the newest addition to the vocab:)



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Hello Robin, its good to hear from you again and I am so glad that things are going good for you and Sephora.


You have obviously handled the move the right way and it is to your advantage that you had some time alone with her without her favorite person, it has strengthened your bond with her.


They are capable of adjusting to a new home, its all in how you handle it.


You may have missed her first word but she is starting to talk now and the words will spill out with great clarity.


I can tell from your post that you love her dearly even though you are not her favored person but she is rewarding you with cuddles and snuggles, count yourself fortunate as there are those who would love to be able to do that with their grey.


Do stop in from time to time to let us know how things are going, I know you are busy as we all are but stay in touch as we love hearing from you.

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