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thinking of another cage???


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Hello to all,


I am new here to this site, and have learned so much already. My wife and I have a CAG about 6 months old. This is our first! We have heard that it's good to have a separate sleeping cage that's smaller without toys...just a perch, water, and a little food. Any thoughts? She seems fine in her large cage that we cover at night, but if it's best for her to have a "roosting" cage separate from her day cage, then that's what we are going to do. Please advise. Thanks!!!!!

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You will likely find multiple opinions on this issue and I am not sure there is a clear answer. I believe that most (myself included) have one main cage only and perhaps a travel cage for just that...travelling. However, certainly some have success using a "sleeper" cage. My personal experience, having an Amazon in the family now for 37 yrs, is that a sleeper cage is not a requirement. However, others may provide additional info that you can use to make a decision! B)

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Welcome, Keywe, to our family, glad you joined and we look forward to hearing more about your grey. What is her name?


You don't need a separate cage for sleeping, my Josey sleeps in the same cage at night, I cover her with a sheet and she is fine with that. Some of the members do use a separate cage for sleeping but it is not required.

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She came from Key West, hence the name Keywe. My wife and I are spoiling our baby, but are fairly new to the bird world. I am reading as much as I can because I want to make sure she is raised properly, for she is only around 6 months old.


Thanks for the advise, and I'll be on here often.{Feel-good-000200BB}

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Hi Keywe, Welcome! Glad you joined our family. I have a separate sleep cage for our grey. It is large, does have toys, and perches, a happy hut that she loves to sleep in, and she has a little food and water, even though she never seems to eat or drink in it. She goes in it for about 12 hours a night, and I do cover her with a dark sheet. It is upstairs in my son's room, that's why we keep it covered, it keeps the light out as he's on the computer at night. Her play cage is downstairs. It works well for us, but is different for everyone. :)

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  • 9 months later...



She did sleep when he was on the computer. She is now in my bedroom with me. I often work on my computer late into the night. She sometimes eats when I'm working, but mostly she's very quiet. I think if you kept it totally quiet for them, they would have a hard time sleeping if they were ever to be moved, or would startle when they did hear noises. It is impossible to keep it total quiet, and most greys do just fine. They adapt to sleeping with what ever noise they hear. Some members here, have the tv on while their greys are in bed at night. :unsure:

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She did sleep when he was on the computer. She is now in my bedroom with me. I often work on my computer late into the night. She sometimes eats when I'm working, but mostly she's very quiet. I think if you kept it totally quiet for them, they would have a hard time sleeping if they were ever to be moved, or would startle when they did hear noises. It is impossible to keep it total quiet, and most greys do just fine. They adapt to sleeping with what ever noise they hear. Some members here, have the tv on while their greys are in bed at night. :unsure:

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