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From Clipped to Great Flier!


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We got Ursula clipped and wanted her to be able to fly. We read lots of stuff on the difficulty of birds learning to fly when older...


But great news, Ursula is about 22 months old and has most of her flight feathers, and she has taken to flight like a natural. She couldn't wait; she's always dived off of things, so with each new flight feather she's gone farther. Now it's back and forth in the house and 180 degrees turns and fancy landings. Much fun!


We have screens on all windows plus heavy-duty industrial (1.5 inch by 1.5 inch) netting over the windows, just in case she was able to knock out a screen. We have netting hanging in our entryway too; you come in our door, shut the door, walk 6 feet and come through the netting - like an airlock. I ordered the netting online, if anyone is interested - west coast netting - you can specify the size. You can't be too careful!

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That's great to hear... From someone with an 8 month old clipped bird that can't wait for flight as well. I'm going to look into getting the netting! Maybe it will save me a move to a new home, something I was considering that would be more "bird-safe".


Sorry you are having trouble attaching the pic, I need to read how to do it every time! LOL!

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OK, here I try the photo upload again...


And no, we think Ursula's feather picking is mostly due to GI irritation. We took her off pellets and have to be sure not to feed her simple carbs (like crackers, sorry Ursula!) and we keep it mostly under control. Sometimes she bites a few feathers off when molting too, it seems to be her response to discomfort. Anyway, flying doesn't seem to have much impact so far.


So now I paste in the photbucket img url, hope this works!


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Pics of the netting are successfully uploading to a different thread: "Pics of Netting - Safe Indoor Flight"


BTW, we live in Portland Oregon and can never try free flight because we have way too many hawks. I was walking to work with Ursula in our Celltei backpack one day and a Cooper's Hawk flew right by me and landed on the grass and looked at me, very confused as to why her snack was packaged in such a strange contraption.

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That is awesome she is picking up flight. I will never forget Issacs first rise to my vaulted cieling...I was freaking out cause he had never gone up till that moment. On his third flight attempt, he put it to use..actually made a good landing. This was in his tenth week going on eleven. Now he zips around pretty good. It is a pretty awesome sight to see these beautiful birds floating around. When they fly to you, you feel pretty special too. ;)

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It makes for a completely different relationship - they can communicate what they want physically. Now we know that Ursula wants to be in the same room with us, or at least in the hallway or something, where she can see us or be very near, ALWAYS. We're her flock!


Nearby and as high as possible, of course, is even better.


And when we're walking around doing stuff she is very curious and prefers to be riding around on us watching the proceedings.


She also chases a laser light back and forth - great exercise! Try it if you haven't already!

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