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Other interests?


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In an attempt to get to know everyone better (and it's too time consuming to go through everyone's profile) I thought I'd start a "do you have other hobbies/interests other than birds" topic. I know our beloved fids take up a huge part of our time but you must have other interests so please share with the rest of us.


We all know that Bernie is into toy boats (LOL) and his guitar. As for me, music (listening not making) has always been a big love of mine and my taste is quite diverse - more so as I get older and football (the English kind LOL) is a passion, this is largely a patriotic thing with me but I do enjoy a good match.


I almost forgot to add tennis too but I only watch the slams. I've been to Wimbledon the once, back in the 80s and I'd love to go again but tickets are like gold dust and it's quite difficult to get to Wimbledon from here.


Anyway, please add your interests below.<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2010/02/27 13:51

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Great topic Julie ~ karma to you.


Well, as you already know, like yourself I love football (and have just sat in anticipation waiting to see whether Wayne Bridge shook John Terry's hand - he didn't)!


I also love shopping! Luckily, here in the North East, I have both the largest inner city shopping centre (Eldon Square) and the biggest out of town shopping centre (Metro Centre) in Europe to choose from! Oh what a joy!

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Great idea Jooles!!! WHO HAS TIME FOR OTHER INTERESTS AFTER ALL THE BIRD CARE?????????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Seriously tho, My "other" interests besides my birds, cat, dog and horses are: Running, weightlifting at the gym and shooting at Smith & Wesson. I take my 15 year old son there every Sunday.


Can't wait to hear everyone else's interests!

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Well let's see, I love to read mystery novels and figuring out who done it. I also enjoy reading cards to tell fortunes and using a Ouija board for fun. I like to go for long country walks or walks on the beach in the evening. I enjoy target shooting with guns. I love to travel other countries and get to see all the sites. I enjoy the Olympics on TV. I also enjoy watching reality shows and would love to be on one if I had the stamina to endure it.

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This is a delightful thread, I need a good marksman to be an ally in my war against gray squirrels. They started it! I would love to talk some time about reading cards, my sister did and since she passed I have taken an interest. My interests are varied, or as a mother-in-law would remark chaotic and unconnected. LOL. I like to make things and fix things. I love all animals, even the gray squirrels when they are not destroying my things. I love trying anything new. Cooking, quiltmaking, motorcycle enthusiast, drawing, painting. Would love to add bungee jumping, parachuting, and flying off a cliff in a squirrel suit.<br><br>Post edited by: katana600, at: 2010/02/28 15:23

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Apart from the ones you know about eg boat, guitar

I love my bonsai trees and garden plants also my pond wildlife, I also love the countryside walks near here, and in The New Forest.

I have a great love of all the arts, paintings and classical music mainly Beethoven and I love rock music.


But my biggest love in life is to make people laugh, that is what I do best and it is usually at my expense

but who cares.

I like to create things out of nothing and make things work when they get broken, if that can be called an interest but it works for me.


I also love chinese painting with water colour inks on paper.

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

Janet, an Ouija board?? Anything strange ever happened whilst using it? Now I'm intreagued, do tell more. ;)



That was in my other life. In my younger days I read cards and interacted with the Ouija board occasionally. Many stories, but not for this forum or nonbelievers. :)

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luvparrots wrote:

Supernova wrote:
I also love chinese painting with water colour inks on paper.


Then you would love the Chinese ink painting I purchased in China a few years ago!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/28 21:35

Can you post a pic here ;) please:kiss:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I couldn't imagine my life without music. Even though I haven't performed in a few years I still love to play and sing, and I love discovering new artists and living vicariously through friends who are doing it for a living. My second strong love is home decorating and renovation. I like mixing antiques with modern, with some ethinic flavour thrown in, right now a lot of asian stuff. I've laid floors, plastered walls, torn down walls, papered, un-papered, and painted at least 300 rooms in my life. I also sew because I'm too poor\cheap to pay for pre-made pillows, curtains, bedspreads. When my hand heals I'm going to give upholstery a try.


I'm a voracious reader, mostly horror, sci-fi, humour. Current faves are David Sedaris and Kelly Armstrong. I love language and writers who use it well, from Tom Stoppard to Joss Whedon. Oh, and I've been working part time as a personal organiser and discovered I have a real passion for helping people discover how much energy they can get from a space that is cleared of clutter. I'm not a fanatic. I love shopping and I'm as attached to some of my stuff as anyone, but being able to find what you're looking for when you're looking for it is a great thing.

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Acappella, I need major room clearing! When I moved to Greece I packed a 4 bedroom 1 family house into a smallish 3 bedroom apartment. It's quite a squeeze and I'm weeding it out very slowly due to my long working hours. However I do believe that clearing clutter clears also the mind and helps you focus.


As for the "supernatural and the other side" I'm also a believer but when I was a kid the Oujja board scared the @#$% out of me once and I never touched it again. Be careful whom you invite into your home, even inadvertently.


Anyhow, I used to sing in a jazz/funk band but then I became a mom and didn't have the time anymore (it was always an after-working-hours thing). I love nature, my husband and I are creating a little fruit and vegetable farm on a plot of land we bought in the country last year. Hopefully someday we will move there permanently. I am a Reiki Master (touch healing) and like to work with aromatherapy - it helped my daughter a lot when she was a baby and I find it very effective for adults too.


I like to sew (home decorations - pillows, curtains etc), cook - especially bread baking - nothing like the feel of elastic dough in your hands - and read ancient history and classical literature, ice skate and bicycle ride, watch movies, and spend as much time in the Mediterranean Sea during the long Greek summer as I can!

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