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Taking a TAG to the classroom?


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My kids, 8,6 and 5 will be in the same classroom this year (they are in a family charter school). I will most likely be in the classroom with them a majority of the time as a parent helper. What are all your thoughts on taking her to the classroom with me? I want to keep her socialized and the kids to learn about this wonderful bird.




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I think its a great idea and know of others that have done this. If done properly it can be GREAT for both the children and the bird...however, the chance always exists for the bird to bite someone, so there can be issues with that, insurance constraints at the school and/or parents that may be against it. This day you cannot be too careful, so just things to investigate before bringing them to a classroom...:)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/03 04:13

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I do know of someone who takes their grey to a classroom. I know she had to have all the parents sign a waiver. She took her bird there about 2-3 times a week, so as not to overwhelm the bird. I think it would be very nice, you just have to remember to have very close supervision, as bites can be very serious. :unsure:

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It does seem like a good experience for your Grey and the Children.


As long as the school and the parents are ok with it as already indicated by Talon and others.


The main thing to pay attention to, will be how you new TAG feels about it :-)


You are certainly jumping in with both feet in providing an exciting and loving atmosphere for your new Family member!!


He could not have adopted a better Mom :-)

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Guest Lidia

I think it's a great idea, Lisa. But you probably shouldn't do it more than once or twice a week, for a couple of reasons:


1. The kids will not be able to concentrate with a gorgeous parrot in the classroom with them.


2. The more ambient noise there is the more noise AGs make! You probably have noticed already that if there is a conversation going on Alike is more likely to chatter. If it is quiet, she will eventually quiet down. Thus, kids talking, teachers talking = bird making a hell of a racket.


You sound like you have quite a busy household, so I think she will become socialised very quickly anyway. They're very clever birds and suss things out very quickly (as you've noticed with the shouldering thing).



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Guest Monique

Sounds like you have gotten great advice already. One other thing I would watch for is to ensure your Grey enjoys it. Some birds will and some birds it just really stresses out. We always have to remember they are a wild animal at heart :).

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Thank you all for the feedback and support. I will have to do all those things you all suggested. So far she is a very quiet bird and only makes noise when we put her away and prepare to leave the house. She is out a lot in the daytime and will not make a peep after I put her in her cage at night. Am I just not seeing her "true colors" yet?:unsure:

As for the classroom I will keep you all posted in the "about me" of my profile.

Thanks again for the advise.

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