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Grey Behaviour


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Hi All,


So it's been a while since I have posted as I have been with work. moving and studying!!


So I wanted to find out how your grey behaves with you in general. Does your grey prefer the comfort of their cage, perched out of the cage or sitting on your lap like Ice does!!


Ice would give up his peanut butter on toast to sit on my lap for 5mins and he simply loves it. Is this normal grey behaviour? I dont know why but he seems to LOVE human company hence the business with the lap but wanted to know if other greys do this? Or am I simply fortunate?


All comments welcome!

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Oh I'm pleased that I am not the only one then!! Hahaha i have heard of lap cats but not lap birds!


Ice seems to believe he's human and likes to be man of the house when my husband is away:laugh: and is nothing like Indy (my other grey) who does exhibit more bird like behaviour than Ice.

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Pepper is a year and 7 months old.


She loves to hangout our laps, chest, and shoulders. Cuddling is one of her favorite things:)


All I have to do is raise a little blanket and she comes running under, lol.


She isnt particular with who she cuddles with either. She likes doing it with either my mom, dad, me, or my boyfriend.:kiss:

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nims wrote:

Does your grey prefer the comfort of their cage, perched out of the cage or sitting on your lap like Ice does!! <snip> I dont know why but he seems to LOVE human company hence the business with the lap but wanted to know if other greys do this? Or am I simply fortunate?


Dayo does not like being caged at all.


He was a cuddle muffin much more often and for longer periods when he was 16 weeks to about 2 years old. He still cuddles with my wife, but it has become much less frequent and shorter time periods.


He is becoming much more independent and whichever room we are in, he will sit on a tree stand or hanging play area and preen, look around or eat.


They do always want to have the flock in sight and most the time want to be in the same area as the flock or their favorite person.


Dayo will be 3 years old in a month and we see the "baby" slowly go away spec by spec and watch the independence grow which happens in all creations natural cycle of birth to death.

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Dorian actually prefers to be in his cage with the door open. An unfortunate result of being totally cage bound for the first 5 years of his life. He'll sit inside all day talking, playing, eating. If he is on an exterior perch and I have to leave the room for more than a couple of minutes I'll come back downstairs and he'll have gone back inside. He mostly comes out in the evening if I'm sitting near his cage watching tv or reading. Oh, and he always comes out right at bedtime. He was trying to start a routine 'mom has to chase me around the cage to get me back in' game, but I wasn't having any of it. Now he comes out, wanders around a bit, then goes to the perch I'm allowed to pick him up from and lets me put him to bed. Still, he's come so far since he's been with me, so much braver and more confidant, and I have years to continue to expand his world.

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Our 2 don't like being caged either and would prefer to hang out with the human flock. Kea loves nothing more than sitting on my BF chest right in front of his face and doing her normal resting and preening. Rangi loves to perch just behind me on the couch.


They have just a few months ago negotiated night time out of the cage which is going very well.

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Phoenix rarely offers me or anyone else the luxury of time away from the cage. You really have to work at him to get him to step up, but sometimes (every blue moon) he gets all sweet and throws that foot up when you just walk by the cage. It's usually not like this.


However regardless of his resistence to stepping off his cage, he finds himself at home anywhere else in the house. He will sit on my shoulder if I place him on my arm but he never assumes that is his spot. He will sit behind or beside you on the sofa, and usually props up on one foot and naps.


Talula ... always throwing her foot up. Always wants off the cage. Always wants on YOUR shoulder. She's never as calm as Phoenix, she's always more jittery -- even when she's at rest it seems her dreams are far more vivid. I don't know it could also be nightmares or trauma playing out. Either way, she's no where near as mellow - yet.


Now she seems to be more calm with Butch than with me, but Phoenix is the same chill type pretty much regardless of who picks him up. He's recently started gliding and lifting, so if he really doesn't want to be with you he'll flutter to the floor and waddle to his cage.


Talula sometimes diverts from the path to her cage towards his, this is an ongoing .... problem.


It's like Queen Latifa and Eminem sharing a house.

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Ursula is just under 2 years old, and so far the only consistent pattern is.. change! For a long time she just wanted her favorite person (my husband) to hold her on his fingers, his fingers on his chest, and scratch her neck - for hours, usually while we were watching TV.


Lately, now fully flighted, she prefers to sit near us, on her perch way up near the ceiling, preening or talking pretty much constantly while we watch TV... for hours! We have to use subtitles! But this seems to be her favorite part of the day.


She is nowhere near anything I would call cuddly, although she is deeply bonded to us. She will accept a neck scratch if she is in the mood, but it often seems like she's doing YOU a favor.

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Charlie is 7 now and we get cuddles when he allows it. He is very independant. Cuddle time is often late evening before he goes to bed and then he can be very affectionate and loving. He likes to just sit close to where I am of a day or sitting on his stand looking out the window.

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