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Sup guys,


It's been a while since I've been on. Last you heard from me I was telling you how crazy chloe was driving me and I couldn't take it anymore (for those who remember). Well since then things have worked themselves out. I had a 2 week stretch there where I wanted to shoot her (not literally) and tear my hair out to boot but we moved past it and now she's been a really good girl. I'm hoping it was just the terrible two's.


Anyways that a side, my girlfriend and I are going cage shopping tomorrow and I have some questions for the experts.


Does size matter to a female CAG (all jokes a side for the dirty minded people). Is a bigger home better? Do they care? I have a mid size cage at the moment about 18 inches in width and 5 feet tall. What to look for or ask when cage shopping? How effective are those tray rims around th ebase of cages that are used for catching seeds/nuts etc.


Regarding toys are there any toys greys are partial to or is it hit and miss? I seem to buy her toys all the time even ones with features she has liked in the past and she is always initimidated by it, or down right too scared to go near it. But I work a lot so I want her to be stimulated mentally. Honestly though she seems like she doesn't care about toys and she entertains herself swinging around the cage like spider man and singing or talking all day.


Anyways I was on a work break I have to run. I'll cheeck back later. Hope every one has a good weekend thanks :)

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Knight05 wrote:



Does size matter to a female CAG (all jokes a side for the dirty minded people). Is a bigger home better? Do they care? I have a mid size cage at the moment about 18 inches in width and 5 feet tall. What to look for or ask when cage shopping? How effective are those tray rims around th ebase of cages that are used for catching seeds/nuts etc.


Yes Spence size matters:whistle: and not just for a female Cag but all Cags, the bigger the better and 18 inches wide is not wide enough. You need one that is at least over 24 inches wide but wider is much better. She needs room to flap her wings and not touch the cage bars.


Its good to see you back on the forum, I know life is busy but we wish you could find the time to update us from time to time on how Chloe is doing and maybe share some pictures.

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Hey Spence, good to see you back, and to hear that Chloe is doing well, and that you are still together!


Of course Judy and Penny have given you excellent advice on bigger being better, I went with a big cage, but now wish I had gone even bigger than I did, so get as big as your wallet will allow.


Regarding the seed skirt, I like mine, if nothing more than to catch the majority of the poop when the parrot is hanging around on the edge of the cage. I also find that my guy loves to climb down to it and walk sideways along the edge. So although the skirt doesn't stand a chance in catching thrown food, it's almost like another playpen for him when he gets tired of the one on his cage roof!


Let us know how Chloe is doing? Is she talking a bunch now?

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Heh I will try to throw some photos up as soon as I can. We ended up going all out with a cathedral style cage big enough for like a Macaw I don't exact measurements but it is huge.


And yup she knows many words now. I'd say her vocabulary is up to about 28 distinguishable words and like 15-20 sounds, whistles, jibber jabbers etc.


A few examples of stuff she says is:


Mogwhai (Mog-why?) From the gremlin movies the name of the little Gizmo guy


Good bird/Bad bird!


Who's your daddy?/You don't tell me no!


Gimme some kiss/ I want to snack on your face


Hello? (When I answer my cell phone)/ Booner-Dooner


Hi love dragon/ You sexy fatty


Just to name a few... She's pretty smart now and a big talker.

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