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How to Get Some Peace........!


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Answer: Buy your Grey a McDonalds - or the birdie equivalent!! I bought a couple of these "seed rings" and Michael gave one to Harvey on his new tree tonight. He tied a shoelace around it to hang it over his stand - what a hit!!! It's been so peaceful for about half an hour now whilst Harvey rips it apart!!! Bliss!!!



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SSSSSSHHHHHHhhhhhh! Don't tell Jill, but I've suspected a touch of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with her, I can read through her in her posts!!!


I suspect that she has found some sort of bird safe cleaner that she has been using to polish that poor java wood right into a shine in any area that Harvey even considered pooping on! The shine is the result of incredible amounts of elbow grease combined with that cleaner.


Poor Harvey, it's a wonder he doesn't just slide down the playstand and skate right across her well polished floor on his red tail! No wonder he gets into so much mischief, he's trying to distract her from scrubbing!



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You are all mental - the hospital will be seeking your return shortly!


Ryan - you are quite correct - I do have a bit of a cleaning "fettish" - but I am quite concerned about all of you! Considering I have always thought of you all as considerate, caring, loving parrot owners I am now starting to question this!


Where is the shiny bit that you can all see!!! I can see a splattering of bird poop that I missed when I was cleaning it - but can't see anything shiny - can you all not spot what birdie poop looks like!!!!! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/02/27 12:27

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Saw the "Shiny" spot, knew what it was, but didn't say anything to cause embarrassment. :P


You can never clean them up as fast as they appear. Although we do all try to be "Instant cleaners".


It's ok Jill, we were all focused on the treat and Harvey, not the shiny spot.......honest. :P


GreYt photo by the way! :-)

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Oh wow! I figured it out, it's like an optical illusion. The bird poop Looks like a highlight from the camera flash, giving the stand a plasticized shine to it! Cool!


Jill, you are easily forgiven for having missed a bit of poop on your giant java stand, you're lucky you can find Harvey on that giant, let alone a tiny bird poop!


You could have easily told us that you had half of it plasticized to keep it clean when Harvey wasn't using it, we would have believed you!


Like I said before, you and Harvey are a match made in Heaven! LOL!


I love the treat by the way, what is it? I've never seen them in Canada...


Off to school with me!

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