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Tracy's New Momma in Memphis

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Hi Everyone! I adopted Tracy Bird the male Congo African Grey from another member here budman17r. Budman thought that Tracy was about 8-10 years old, but our avian vet said according to his closed band he was born in 93. Guess that makes him closer to 17!


Tracy is just a great bird and fits right into our family. We had a little bit of a rough start but now we are on a better diet and some birdie meds to get him well. He is underweight at 386 grams(former seed diet) and has an infection of some kind. The vet sent an inconclusive test off to the lab just to make sure it wasn't Avian TB, but luckily it is just a minor bacterial infection they said. Needless to say we are glad to know that it isn't tuberculosis!!!


I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time but finally joined when I saw the post for Tracy.


We're in the process of shopping for a newer, larger cage than the one he came with. Currently he is in a 23x23x27 tall (interior dimensions) cage.


Tracy is able to stick his leg down through his current cage grate and grab the newspaper in the bottom. Cage shopping is tough because no one online posts those measurements! Right now I'm liking the EZ Care cage with playtop by Super Pets that one of the forum members recommended. Any suggestions are appreciated.


(Note: Anyone who knows where any company's grate to tray measurements can be found gets a gold star if they point me in the right direction!)<br><br>Post edited by: memphisbird, at: 2010/02/26 17:06

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Hi to you, and a warm welcome back to Tracey! I am so pleased that Tracy has obviously found you - and by taking the first crucial steps of visiting the vet you are shaping up as his "forever parront".


As you have been a long time lurker, there's no need to encourage you to post any questions etc - you know fine well they will be answered swiftly.


Can't wait to see some pictures ;)

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Hi Courtney, so glad you decided to join the Grey family. You're already a great parront by seeing that Tracy immediately got a check up and is now on the way to great health, thanks to you! I hope you find that right cage for Tracy. Can't wait to hear more about how things go.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/26 21:44

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Welcome to te forum!!


Its GreYt having you here. Kudos to you for taking in an older bird. Tracy sounds like a real sweetheart.


Your right, a larger age is definitely needed.


Most online bird cage sellers do have the cage dimensions in the details section. You do not want a bar spacing over 1 inch.


Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos. :-)

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