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An Interesting Observation with Talon Today!


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I had an impromptu visit at the ex's house today while Talon was in the car with me. It's a long story, I will try to make it much shorter...;)

Some of you may know that Talon was originally my oldest son's bird. He is now 21. When I divorced, I took Talon with me since I did most of the everyday care for her. She lived with our family for the first 2 years of her life in the house my ex and oldest son still live in. Then 4 of us left and moved into another house which she has lived in for the past 2 1/2 years. My oldest son stayed with his father, Talon went with me.


So today, as I was driving home, my other son was walking home from school in the rain, (it's his day to spend with his father), I picked him up and drove him to the ex's. I had Talon in the car, so I thought I would bring him inside to see my oldest son who doesn't get to see her very often. It was quite interesting to see how she reacted to the house she knew as her home for 2 years......at first she looked around like she didn't know where she was, then as she started recognizing things, she would fly to her usual spots. She was quite happy to see my son and tried to fly up to his room to see if it still looked the same. She used to sleep in his room. He took her, she went right to the window that she loved to look out. She was looking everywhere......I could actually see her look at things, seem unsure, then see her look change as she began to recognize and remember things. We took her through most of the house, she played in the bathroom just like she always did when I was in the shower, did all the things she used to. She got really excited when she was in the kitchen as that is the one room that didn't have any changes in it. After about an hour, we took her home. She was happy to be home, but talked up a storm when she got home.

I always wondered what would happen if I took her back there, would it upset her, confuse her? But it seemed like she enjoyed the visit, but was happy to be back home with us and her flock! :)


Just wanted to share with you. :cheer:

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It always amazes me the intelligence of parrots especially greys, their memories are excellent. A parrot will sometimes take many, many years to forget abuse from a previous owner and will be wary of the new owner and then one day out of the blue suddenly that parrot will trust again.


Great post Penny and a good experiment to see Talon's reaction to her previous home.

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What an interesting story Penny.


Many people dismiss the idea that critters remember or miss people and previous homes.


This story is a perfect example that they do in fact remember it ALL.


I really dis-like people that think of critters as brainless with no feelings or memories and thus always tell people they won't miss or remember anything after a few days at the "new home".


It's just bull crap and those critters will always have a place in the heart and memories of previous homes and owners.


Thanks for sharing this!!! :-)

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Animals have amazing memories and you're right Dan, they are capable of far more than many humans give them credit for.

Penny this is a really interesting, first hand account of just how sensitive these birds are! Of course they remember past experience - both good and bad, but it goes to show that given plenty of love and tlc, change doesn't always mean trauma for a bird.

Thanks for sharing this Penny.

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