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What does your bird call food time??


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Does your bird say lunch, breakfast, dinner, supper, etc?


And how does your bird act when it's time to eat?



For Pepper..she says "Supper" and when she's really hungry she'll say it excessively. She gets really feisty around dinner time and she normally HAS to be on your shoulder while you are preparing food, or in the same room.


If not she will just sit there and drive you crazy. One time my mom told Pepper "No supper" as a joke and she bit her! LOL:laugh:

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I do the same as Julie - I feed Harvey before I go to work in the morning, so it's usually "brekkie". He goes for his morning ablutions on his stand, then returns to the top of his cage so that he has a good view into the kitchen whilst I'm preparing his bowls. He's yet to say his flipping name - so I've got no chance with brekkie!!! :laugh:

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Ours say "food food food" repeatedly, "it would be good with a little lunch" or "what's for dinner" which leads them into a discussion about what they both want until they are screaming at the top of their lungs what they would like for dinner. It then includes the words oh yummy with a lot of lip smacking.

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judygram wrote:

Josey will say "birdie supper" and she is usually in the kitchen while I am preparing hers and boy she is impatient for it too, she paces and you would think she was starving to death.:laugh:


Ha ha too funny! Yea..sounds just like Pepper.

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I start Paco's day with a fresh "salad" with his warm "Birdy Banquet" bean mash served in the center. I call it salad as I offer it, but he just clucks like a chicken or rings like the phone until I get this dish into his cage.


The starts his second favourite game of "Throw the beets"... :pinch:

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Dayo does not say the eating time-names.


He asks for the appropriate food depending on time of day and what HE wants.....


Breakfast - Let's get some cereal, lets make coffee (Hot water), lets make some toast, mmmmmmm Juice ...


Lunch - Lets make a sandwich, lets make some soup, lets get some Peanut Butter....


Supper - Lets make Lasagna, Lets make Spaghetti, let get some Potatoes......


Evening desert - Lets get some Banana Nut Bread, lets get cookies, mmmmmmmmm Ice Cream.......<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/27 14:58

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