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Good information Dave. I've even made posts to find out what those changes might be in Tobie when he gets older. I never got such a straight forward response.


That said - I'd like to make an observation about the human expression of "love" as opposed to the bonding, or whatever you want to call it, that our animals express toward us their caregivers. We humans are quick to love but can be quite fickle - continuing to love only if the other party meets our expectations and provides for our needs. Dogs seem to be more steadfast and unconditional in their ability to "love" us back. Birds may be closer to humans. Though not as quick to love or passionate in their "love"(or whatever you want to call it) they are only going to love us as long as they determine we are trustworthy to provide the kind of care and the type of relationship they want from us.

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I am not the best person to take up conversation of love with. Especially since my baby bird is still 15 weeks. Now I know he will grow up and possibly become more of his own bird...but my goodness...I haven;t felt this needed since I had my daughter...it's really nice. Also...I am a very gentle person...and i have always know that I have had a connection with animals...so while I am aware that greys 'grow up' I still take the moments at all stages for what they are worth. If Issac 'needs more space' when he is older..so be it...this bird is going to be the most loved bird on the planet...no matter what.


When I read Daves post...it translated to me as, :"You may like your bird now..and feel the love...but they will alienate you and it won't be that way after a while" While I may have been off...I am just enjoying the baby stage too much to subscribe to such thoughts...but rest assured...that this bird is in my heart no matter what he chooses to be.


So ...sorry for my reaction to the post...but I take the view that animals are just as important as people..and respect is even more so. I truly believe that respect is due for my bird...and that love and connection will always be there. Issac is going to be the most loved bird in the world...period...no matter what.


Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/27 06:30<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/27 06:34


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Some great discussions going on here, I think a thread becomes far more interesting when different views are put forward.


If you look at the last sentance of my original post you will see that I already had a good idea what Dave was going to say, because he always says it like it is. Not that I claim to know Dave but he doesn't come over as the sentimental type :P I for one am very happy that he pointed out these very important facts because we all need to be prepared for the change our greys go through. Beau is 13 months old now and is already changing from the cute cuddle-muffin he was when we first got him at approx. 14 weeks. I know this is nothing compared to when he becomes a "teenager" or adult bird and those hormones kick-in.


Unfortunately we are rarely told of these facts when we buy our babies, (most) breeders and pet stores are only interested in the sale, you can't really blame them for this - it's their living. The good shops (yes there are some who care) and breeders will want to ensure their babies' owners are well equiped and have a good basic knowlegde of how to care for our greys AS BABIES but that care rarely goes beyond the first year unless your breeder is a personal friend. This is where these forums become a necessary aid and people such as Dave become an invaluable "friend". I don't always agree with Dave's comments and sometimes I find him rather blunt but I ALWAYS am glad of his views and I respect that he is more knowledgeable than most. So thanks for saying it as it is Dave - karma to you.


Elvenking, I know you are totally in love with Issak but you really needed to know what to expect. You can never have too much knowledge about your grey.

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Elven, I'm sorry I used you as an example this was only because you are the newest "regular" poster and appear so besotted with your baby, it wasn't a dig at you. Actually I thought I was well-read on greys as I did some research before getting Beau but tbh I knew NOTHING. I have learnt so much since and most of it from this forum. Some people really don't realise that a grey changes as he/she matures. Some people go into a shop and interact with baby greys, giving scritches and so on and they think this is what they have for life, obviously you aren't one of them.

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I was actually more suprised to find him so cuddly as a baby even. Because my previous experience with gerys is to see them quite aloof as described by Dave. It certainly is a wonderful time while they are babies.


At any rate, Issac has a good home with me and will be taken care of even if he should try to take my finger off. I really love and care for this bird. ;)

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