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Taking Birdie For A Ride


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So, with the weather getting warm again here, I am looking to get Issac out in his harness for more practice. At first just for walks around my complex, but eventually maybe on a drive to somewhere else. So...how do you ride in the car with your bird? In a carrier of sorts, on your shoulder? How do you manage a comfortable ride for your Grey? IMG_0829-21b7ceb243ec79f69c7829dc7b6fb227.JPG


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I use a collapsible cage very similar to those as well, mine didn't come with dishes, but looks a bit bigger. I bought dishes that attach to the bars, a couple perches (one wood, one cloth) and away we go!


I take Paco everywhere with me in it, he loves the trips, and has a lot of fun going with me. There is a bit of a struggle getting him in, not that he hates the cage, but he LOVES to play on top of it. I also have to use a padlock when we are in it, he has figured out how to pop the lock on the cage, I didn't realize it until I noticed people in traffic pointing. I looked back and there was Paco standing on top of the cage looking out at the others waiting for the lights...


Anyway, we both love the cage, and I keep it handy and never folded up, I want it ready in case of emergency.

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I made the worst mistake of my life last summer with regards to Harvey. I had him on his Aviator and me and my husband decided to drive to my parents house (three miles away). Harvey was absolutely fine until the car moved. He went ballistic. He was flapping, biting, clawing and was going to cause both harm to himself and me (he was biting really hard). So panicked we turned straight round and drove home. This is something I will never, ever do again.


Definitely, definitely put Isaac in a carrier - Harvey is so calm in his and just sits there and enjoys the ride. :)<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/02/25 20:43

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We always transport Dayo in a carrier of one type or another depending on the length of the trip.


Short trips of 15 to 20 minutes, he goes in the Pak-O-Bird. Longer trips he has a Larger carrier that is meant for a good sized cat. I drilled holes on the sides, mounted a perch, mounted water and food cups and put a soft rug like liner in the bottom cut to size. That larger carrier only cost me 39 bucks and a little time.


You just never know what may happen on a trip that will freak out your bird or you may get hit by another car. I believe Dayo will be safer in a carrier strapped in with the seat belt than if loose sitting on a shoulder and flying into the windshield.

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The day I brought Rebel home with me her cage was stuffed in the back of my SUV (filling it completely) there was little room for anything else. I had no idea that I would need something to transport her in. I guess I assumed there would be a travel cage included. NOT.


I rode home with a bird that I didn't know at all and my daughter who was afraid to even hold her. She was mostly on my arm looking out the window, but there was some of the trip where she sat on my shoulder. I have learned ALOT since that trip.


The momments that she was on my shoulder, she would sneak down and try to bite the buttons on my shirt, so I gently shooed her back up to my shoulder and said noooo. Well, she cocked her little head and looked up and me and her very first word to me was......."STUPID"


My daughter busted out laughing and said "that bird just called you stupid"


I also got on my daughter for "smacking" her gum. I HATE THAT. She informed me that she got rid of her gum along time ago. Rebel was the one making the gum popping noise. Gotta Love a Grey!!!


She now has a little cage that I transport her in. She can still look out the window and enjoy her ride or sit in the yard with me.

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I took Talon out for a drive just today when I went to pick up my son from school. She goes in an adventure pak to the car, then I let her sit on my shoulder while I drive. She loves it!! It's only a short trip, I drive extra slow and careful. She whistles and peeps and makes all kinds of sounds!! I have always taken my birds separately for short car rides just so they will get used to it and not freak out if they have to go to the vet. ;)

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judygram wrote:

You really should think about taking her out for short trips to places that are fun so she associates having a good time with going in the carrier, Josey never hesitates going in her carrier.


I think its just the carrier I have. Theres no perch in it for her etc she would enjoy that a lot more

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if you want a cheep idea for a bird carrier do what i did for tigerlilies FIRST one.


drill a hole in the side of a cat carrier to fit a perch threw and job done!

i already had a cat carrier so it didn't cost me a penny!


i think the cats a bit put out though cuz shes now stuck with a carrier that has a hole in it :laugh:

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I have now purchased 2 of these carriers - mainly for vet visits - but since I live in an area prone to hurricanes I wanted a carrier that would serve as a potential home for a few days if necessary. When the weather becomes more nicer and we get back to camping on the weekends I plan on using them on those weekends as well as taking the t-stands with us. Beau is doing very well on his harness and I've started taking him with me to pick up LP from school, he sits on the built in bird perch in my VW beetle, but since it's only a mile and a half drive and the speed limit never gets over 25 I'm comfortable - anything outside of this drive I would make sure he's in a carrier, again because you never know what is going to happen. Dixie is working on the harness. We've had a little success lately in that she will let me drape it over her without her biting at it. Trips are important and safety is imperative.



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These carriers are from Kings Cages - they come apart quickly and pack flat for storage. The carrier itself has a pan that can be lined with paper for easy clean up and is separate from the interior by the bottom grate. The food dishes come out for easy cleaning and the doors open for each dish separately.


I would still like to get a Pack-o-Bird to carry Beau or Dixie with me on short outings as the other carrier is much to bulky for quick trips. In the meantime, the harness is our way to go out and about on walks.



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That is exactly the pak-o-bird that I want for taking the birds on short trips in the car. It looks to be made of excellent quality and from what I've read on this forum from other members it's a great carrier.


I had to choose between something that would last for a few days if necessary (hurricanes). Living in Charleston we're always under threat it seems during the season. Saving my penny's for 2 of them for the greys and then 2 more (2 suns and 1 u2). So many toys, so little money!



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