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Issac's 14th Week


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So, Issac has been a growing little guy. This last week, I have found out that he likes corn on the cob....big time, and it would seem that inspires him to eat some of his green beans and broccoli. I have come home the last couple of times to find remains on the floor of the cage and the veggie dish near empty...so I think he is getting the hang of it.


He did return to his formula though so I am doing the morning and evening feedings again. He saw me go use the microwave the other day and started cheeping so loudly, there was no mistaking what he wanted. So he is getting his formula. In fact, I pretty much cannot enter the kitchen without him becoming curious enough to fly to my shoulder to see what is going on.


I also continued to try and get him to stop landing on my other birds cage in fear of a battle. Last night I said, "You want to see this bird so bad, okay"...so I let them look at each other as depicted in the picture below. They were okay with that for a few, but Pedro, my Conure, is a fiesty fellow and will have no problem with trying to joust Issac away. I fear that Issac will teach him a lesson if that continues. So I continue to try to figure this situation out. Any advice on that would be great. Will my little bird get his head taken off??


Other than that, he appears to be super healthy and happy. Loves to drink out of my water glass everytime he sees it. Getting more playful with his toys. In general, the bird I love dearly. IMG_0867.JPG


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yeah...that picture is deceiving, Pedro does not want him up there...and he is on his way over to Issac to force the issue.


As far as the developmental stage, ohh yes...it is so wonderful to feel like the daddy or mommy. They look to you for everything. I can't tell who is bonding to who more :)IMG_0893-a57d09908f27ffd3e71982db496680a4.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 21:45


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Oh yeah....last night I was eating a Chinese dish that had Lo Mein noodles in it...and Issac was looking on intently. So...I took one and cleaned it of the sauce....he LOVED it sooooo much. I am going to have to experiment with pastas and noodles...but he was eating them right out of my hand and not wasting a bit. I love him.


I am also finding that I actually have food in my refrigerator and pantry now that I have this bird. I am single and did not do a ton of shopping before. That has all changed now. I might even bake now that I am reading the birdie food recipies. :ohmy:<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 23:31

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Depending on the sauces, they can eat them as well. Paco loses his mind over a curry stirfry dish that I order from a Thai place... I think he'd like it hotter, but I can't handle it any spicier than it is.


My biggest success is "Birdy Bouquet" from Pretty Bird, he loves it! I am making a batch right now, it is beans, dried fruits and veg with a vitamin fortification. I make a big batch and freeze it in ice cube trays which allows me to serve one cube per day with his "salad". I have found that by burying it under his salad warm, he is now eating more of his veggies than he was before. You could easily make a version of this "mash" from the bulk section, but I love that this is all pre-measured with the vitamins all in it.

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The bond you are forming with Isaac is touching and so understandable. Every day with our birds is a day of wonder and intrigue. You will be eating better too as you fill your refrigerator and pantry with all the healthy choices for Isaac and Pedro. They are both beautiful birds and I am glad they share your life and give you so many happy hours.

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I can certainly understand about your situation with Pedro, ny conure is the same way, she is the feisty of my two birds, Josey doesn't push it with Sunny but given half a chance Sunny will try to go for Josey so I keep them a safe distance apart.


You probably should provide a separate glass of water for them to drink out of for after you have sipped from yours there could be some of your saliva present and you don't want them to have that as it is full of bacteria that they can't handle. When I share some juice or water with my fids I allow them to drink some before I take the first sip.


I think you will find that your birds will love any kind of pasta, Josey does and especially spaghetti with the sauce.

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