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Body langauge


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My sun conure, Sunny, does that all the time, she gets low and spreads the wings slightly and quivers ever so gently and she is begging for me to come and get her, and of course I do. Josey does it also but not to the extent that Sunny does. It just melts your heart to see them do that.


But Sunny occasionally will back up to me and you know what that means, yes she may be in love with me too, so Talon, you may be right after all.

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It can also be a slightly aggressive display. Really depends on the circumstances in which this behavior is used. I have seen them kind of hunker down, lower the wings and "growl" at something they dont like. I have also seen them do it almost like an "I'm thinking bout flying over there" stance to show they want something really bad! hmmm :laugh:

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Thank you guys for your reply. I'm trying to learn Finni's body language and was reviewing some pictures from when I took him outside (screened in covered lanai). I didn't notice it at the time, but he was on a stand and kind of leaning forward looking, but his wings are lowered. After looking at this pic, which I will try to post tonite for you to see, I wondered if he was very afraid, but it sounds like he was just being cautious in his review of the outside. I have noticed he does it sometimes in his cage as well but he seems much more relaxed, almost lazy in or on his cage when he does it...only having experience with a b&g, who doesn't lower his wings, unless he has just finished flapping like a crazy bird for exercise so he is obviously tired, or he isn't feeling well...I was thinking to call the vet. You guys are saving me tons of money! :-) Thanks!

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