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Did your grey chose you?


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I've been back to the shop in which we bought Beau many times buying food or toys, often they have greys for sale, sometimes more than one. Of course I can never resist going over and talking to them but never has a grey responded to me the way Beau did, he interacted with the 3 of us - especially me. No other grey has done that either before or since. Beau was amazing from day 1 and although at the time we had only gone to get a cage in preparation for our new grey I knew he was the one and had to secure him until we were ready to buy him.


Has anyone else had this or a similar experience when looking for a grey or other parrot? Did your parrot chose you and if so how?

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Went to a meet up of folks from another bird site o line and the hostess is a rescue for Parrots. Long story short Pookie and I fell for each other when I was helping feed and clean her aviary. Had to spend time with her on the sofa and she went home with us on a two day car ride. funny how things work out, as another member went to meet a Sun Conure and came home with a Blue & Gold Macaw. ;)

Oops almost forgot to add about the three days of pleading with hubby to allow one more bird into our home.<br><br>Post edited by: Greywings, at: 2010/02/23 17:31

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I don't think I saw the same baby twice when I went to "choose" Harvey!! I went three times - and each time I swear it was a different bird! Put it this way - I wouldn't have chosen the one I ended up with (only joking Harvey)!


It must be lovely when that little baby chooses you - but unfortunately - I definitely wasn't "chosen"!! ;)

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Yes, we waited for a grey to pick us.


We visited the breeder each weekend, which had two clutches totalling 7 Greys. They were all 6 to 7 weeks old when we first started our weekly and sometimes daily visits.


One of the Greys 001 (leg band) started going to my wife and me on week 8 everytime we showed up. A 2nd Grey 006 (leg band) started coming to my wife as well around week 10.


001 is Dayo, our beloved.


006, we brought home as well because we felt guilty not taking her which we named Leah. However, she only spent 24 hours and started losing a tremendous amount o weight and thus we returned her for further weaning.


During the week with out Leah. It became VERY apparent that Dayo would take up all our time and attention and still have time to spend with our conure Jake as well.


If possible, it is best to let the Grey chose you, if possible, in my opinion.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/23 21:35

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I had first choice of 4 four-month-old greys. I was going to bring home the youngest because that is the one that the breeder and I always talked about "little Sweetpea." But it was Ana Grey the oldest and most confident one that chose me. She climbed up my arm and wanted to stay. Sweetpea bite me and ran back to the cage. Ana Grey was the ring leader and the breeder says that the other 3 were a little upset for days after she left. She was also the one who learned to mimic Chihuahuas at the breeders. Ana Grey does like to be in charge!

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In July, a friend of mine was selling all of her breeder birds. I decided to buy her pair of Timnehs. I had always want a TAG and thought it would be a fun experience to raise my own. Well.. it turned out to be a disasterous experience, but I did get Archie out of it. Two months after I purchased the pair they had a clutch of three babies. The first baby (Archie) hatched two weeks before the other two, so on the day they hatched I removed him to give the young babies a better chance. A week later both of those babies and the daddy bird died unexpectedly. I believe the male had some kind of tumor which caused him to stop feeding the momma bird so she was unable to feed the babies. Needless to say, it was a very sad day. So, Archie and I did not choose eachother. We were thrown together, but it has worked out well.

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Unfortunately our greys didn't choose us, we had to wait in a queue to get ours. It took nearly a year and then as soon as we got Rangi we realised he needed a friend and ordered Kea. I feel like we did a bit of online shopping. I wish they had the chance to choose us. We did go and visit them a few months before we brought them home, but that was about it.


Then again it was a bit exciting when the breeder called to say our baby had been born, we were very excited.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2010/02/24 15:38

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I chose Tobie, but he didn't seem overly fond of me at first. I was picking between an amazon baby and an african grey and picked him for the general characteristics of an african grey. He was quite charming in personality as well. I didn't feel any fondness for the amazon but I did toward Tobie.

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I did not choose Josey either, she was picked out of a clutch by my bird breeder friend who then brought her to her home to finish hand feeding. She chose the one she would have chosen for herself and I met her after she came to her home.


Getting Josey was not on a whim, I was looking for a grey and my friend found her for me.

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This is a great topic. I would have to say.. in a way yes... Yes.

Emma did choose me. Holding her felt right. She was very comfortable, relaxed and interested in me too. She didn't squirm, or yelp or nip. It felt very natural and when I left her that day to think about whether I was ready to take care of an african grey... I knew I better hurry up because I didn't want anyone else to have her.:)I called the shop 2 hours later and told them she was no longer for sale.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2010/02/25 04:25


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2010/02/25 04:47<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2010/02/25 04:58

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Charlie chose me for sure. The breeder had 3 chicks flying around in his kitchen and landing on the top of a cage. When I approached the cage to look at them, Charlie came down to me and looked at me and then jumped down on my head, then down to my shoulder and then nipping at my ear. I pretty much knew then that I wouldn't have a problem choosing :)

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After hearing so many stories on here about people who have been chosen by their birds, sitting down on the floor, on a big blanket with half a dozen babies playing around you, and then being "chosen" by one, I always felt a bit sad that it didn't happen that way for us. I mean, there have been times with Alfie when it's been hard work to say the least - what if that's because she wasn't sposed to be our bird? These are thoughts I've had in the past, but I'll quickly add it was just me being my usual overdramatic self, and they didn't last long.

When we went to the bird shop for the first time, we were shown 3 small baby cages each with 2 - 3 birds in, all around the 12 week old mark. We were asked which one do you want to try - I pointed out the 3 largest (I wanted a boy and was told the big ones were more likely to be boys) The first two came on to my lap - cute as buttons but no more than that really. Alfie cam out and snuggled in instantly. Played with my fingers nice and gently and I knew right then she was the one. So I guess I chose her, and then she reciprocated. Either that or she was reeeeeeally sleepy!!:laugh:

whatever the reason, we left a deposit on the spot and came back for her a week later (longest week of my life - no joke!!!) I know we got the right one when we came back because of her leg band.

David said later that he knew instantly by the look on my face when Alfie was on my knee that that was going to be our bird.:)


I have to say, now, I know Alfie is 101% ours and we are hers.


This is an excellent thread Julie. Thanks for starting it.

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My grey did choose me. His previous owner based her decision on who she sold him to on his reaction with them. He bit one lady, growled at another, and said hello to me and stepped right up. He let me feed him baby food because she fed him baby food. Before I left from the second visit, she said don't worry he chose you. I had been worried that she would not pick me to take him (Because I was already in love with him) and I guess she could sense that. She felt so happy knowing that he was comfortable with who he was going to live with. She made it clear to me from the beginning that money was not important to her, that she just wanted him to have a good home that she felt he chose. So I went to his house, about an hour away, for three weekends in a row so I could spend a little time with him. When he came to live with me, she brought him to my house so he would feel like it was ok and not like he was being "taken" from his family. He was talking with in an hour of being left with me and stepping up to me and we have been living happily ever since. I am very happy that I chose to get an older bird that needed a new home. If I ever get another grey I will do it the same way. I don't know if I could handle two but maybe one day lol He requires my attention 24/7 when I am at home but I love it that way.<br><br>Post edited by: Summerc25, at: 2010/02/25 23:39

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Actually what happened with me..was that there was a Timneh grey that I liked. I really thought he liked me too.


But, the store sold him just 2 hours before I went in to put money down on him. I was devastated..so my bf tried to cheer me up by taking me to pet stores around the area.


1 hour to closing, we went to a big store around here and I asked her if she had any african greys. She told me she had 1 baby left. So we asked to see her. She came out with the grey in the towel squawking and I just fell in love.


So we got her in Oct 2009 and spent 15+ hours each week with her, and got to take her home in Dec.


I think it was definitely fate! ;) I got an amazing bird....and wouldnt havent changed it for the world

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I love reading all these stories. It's only been about 2 months since I got Yuki so I remember it all very well. I was on waitlist with a breeder while she was waiting to find out the sex of her baby greys when I found an ad for a 2yr old female online. I was pretty sure I wanted to get a baby, but I decided since it was only a few minutes from my house that I would go see her. She was kept in the garage with many other birds and after leaving I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was really hard for me to decide because I had been pretty sure I wanted a baby, but in the end I knew it had to be Yuki. Now, two months later I am so glad that I chose her. She has adjusted so well and I can tell that she is really happy which makes me happy:)

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