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Some of you may know I've been having trouble with Indy lately. Phobic, anxious behavior, won't come out of the cage or let me touch him. It's really sad, and progress has been slow.


A few days ago I had a really, really bad day at work. I was on the phone for awhile in the couch next to indy's cage, visibly very upset. When I got off the phone I sat there for a few seconds, Indy came down from his top perch and said in a very concerned voice "Are you ok, Indy?" It was the cutest thing! I'm sure we've been saying that to him a ton lately, and he connected that that's what you say when someone is upset. Love him!


Tonight was a big night for us. My fiancee was going to the kitchen to get ice cream, and something freaked Indy out so I went to go talk to him. He bent his head down to be scratched (which is huge!), then held my finger in his foot! I decided to try to reach for him, he stepped up and came out no problem!!! This is the first time he has come out of his cage in over a month without drama, him screaming and growling and biting! He was just normal Indy! The vet said to keep play sessions short and positive, so we did. I hope this means he is on the upswing!!!

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Yes it does but remember to take it in short steps, progress will be slow but the key is to keep at it and never give up.


It doesn't surprise me that he clued in on your bad day, what amazing creatures they are and it gives positive reinforcement that what you are doing is going to reap great rewards in the end, keep at it as you are doing an excellent job.


Thanks for sharing your good news with us and can't wait to hear more.

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