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To shower a grey - the things we do


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Cleo has been tolerating showers for some time now. She will walk under the water and let it fall on her, but never opens up her feathers. Until today. I saw her do it, so decided to praise her lots. I've learnt she responds better to excited high pitched squealing, so there I was yodelling up a storm of "Whoooowhee goooood girl, you're allllll wet whoooooo".


I didn't realise I was making that much noise until my neighbour came and knocked of my door to see if I was ok. I've had abdominal surgery in recent days, and she was concerned I might have hurt myself, with all the hollering going on :blush:

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My lil guy likes to perch on my shower curtain rod and watch me shower. I am planning on pulling him down into the water a few times soon. I did it once but he looked totally put off by the first visit...just surface wetness. He likes to make all kinds of noises when i shower. I think he is working on his vowel sounds or something. Pitches and such...its amazing. I will hear things close to the things I say to him...go Issac...I know you can do it. (Both talking and bathing that is) ;)


I live in an apartment myself...my neighbors must think I live with a whole family. LOL. MyBeautifulIssac.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/23 04:02


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Archie loves loves loves to be sprayed with the spray bottle. If he sees me spraying someone else he will move heaven and earth until he has taken over the water. He showers with me quite regularly, but I dont always allow him to get wet. He prefers the spray bottle over the shower head, but will tolerate both.

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Bigbird, I am in the end unit of a block of 4 appartments, but the neighbour was out the back of her garden, and the bathrooms are towards the back as well.


Elvenking, it took my Cleo about NINE months before she was ok with just sitting under the water. I guess some AGs just take to showering like a duck to err...water.


Loupin that's a beautiful photo! Cleo has the same shower perch. She has this habit of trying to peel the suction cups off the wall, with disasterous results. She hasn't learnt that lesson yet though.


Veenyx, I've tried the spray bottle on a few occasions, and she tries to run away from it, whilst screaming and squawking. I guess we will just stick to showers.

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